The only malfunction I can recall on any of my firearms would be on my ak. The casing expanded and was stuck inside the chamber. Had to utilize a rod and tap it out.
Had my first AR malfunction on Saturday while it was being shot by a Boy Scout I was teaching, not the scouts fault.
The A2 stock buffer tube had worked itself loose enough to let the retaining pin go. The retaking pin was hanging something up, not allowing the bcg to go into battery. It was far enough out, that there was no danger of it firing. It took about 10 minutes to fix it, most of that was getting the bcg forward enough to separate the upper and lower. My fault, I didn't locktight the rear screw when I installed it. I would guess it went 1k rounds between the stock install and major malfunction.
Are you missing the spacer that goes on the end of the receiver extension?Had my first AR malfunction on Saturday while it was being shot by a Boy Scout I was teaching, not the scouts fault.
The A2 stock buffer tube had worked itself loose enough to let the retaining pin go. The retaking pin was hanging something up, not allowing the bcg to go into battery. It was far enough out, that there was no danger of it firing. It took about 10 minutes to fix it, most of that was getting the bcg forward enough to separate the upper and lower. My fault, I didn't locktight the rear screw when I installed it. I would guess it went 1k rounds between the stock install and major malfunction.
I imagine everyone that shoots an AK also wears a brightly colored nylon track suit.
Interesting. Home build I assume?
Are you missing the spacer that goes on the end of the receiver extension?
Also, some people like to use Loctite 242 on the threads of the receiver extension in addition to tightening to 40+/-2 inch pounds ( I personally do not use it on my A2 setups). Lastly, your stock screw should be snugged up, and turned an additional 1/4 turn. Per the TM, you should replace the stock screw if it continues to loosen it self.
Sorry, gave you the incorrect torque spec for an A2 extension:Yes
Spacer is installed. I just istalled the tube hand tight, and the stock screw was installed screwdriver tight. I wasn't sure if I was going to keep the A2 stock and wanted to able to take it off easily. I should've went back and tightened everything correctly after I decided I was going to keep it.