12-year-old girl shoots intruder during home invasion

American Revival Apparel Company


Sep 16, 2012
I am going to show this story to my daughter and wife when they get home. I don't like stories of home invasions, but I do like a good story with a happy ending. Girl ok, although probably a changed person. Bad guy wounded and in the slammer.


Her parents should be proud, and she should be praised!!!! Then she'll probably need a little counsuling. Shooting another person is more profound then most people think, especially to a youngster! It's a shame that in today's world that it sometimes HAS to be done.:-


Jun 8, 2012
Mohican Country Ohio
I hope by her shooting through the door she was spared the visual of a person getting shot. I am not sure if she actually saw the intruder in the house. Very brave little girl and pray she will not suffer any mental effects.


I'm sure she'll be fine! My grandson lives with me and I hope he can react the same way should the need arise!


Jun 8, 2012
Southeast Wisconsin
Zip code
RugerRon60 said:
I hope by her shooting through the door she was spared the visual of a person getting shot.

I do think, though, that we need to teach family members and other people to not shoot someone through a door, wall, or other surface that they cannot see through. Identification of the target is critically important to avoid a mistake that would be regretted for the rest of the shooter's life.


Jun 8, 2012
Mohican Country Ohio
SkipD said:
RugerRon60 said:
I hope by her shooting through the door she was spared the visual of a person getting shot.

I do think, though, that we need to teach family members and other people to not shoot someone through a door, wall, or other surface that they cannot see through. Identification of the target is critically important to avoid a mistake that would be regretted for the rest of the shooter's life.

Valid point, since it was a closet we are not sure if it was a vented door where she may have been able to see. Plus its all a "what if" but I am thinking she knew she was the only one home when the back door was kicked in. If the BG had open the closet door being a 12 year old would she have been to scared to pull the trigger. I am just glad she didn't get hurt or worse. But on a standard basis one should not shoot through a closed door, agreed.


SkipD said:
RugerRon60 said:
I hope by her shooting through the door she was spared the visual of a person getting shot.

I do think, though, that we need to teach family members and other people to not shoot someone through a door, wall, or other surface that they cannot see through. Identification of the target is critically important to avoid a mistake that would be regretted for the rest of the shooter's life.

That was my concern too. While reading the article, it mentioned the 'mother was rushing home', and I thought oh-oh; BG, young girl with a gun, mother, police - reminded me of a potential "Whose on first?" routine. Glad it turned out well, sometime it doesn't.



Support the right to self defense.
Jun 8, 2012
Irmo, SC
When I was a kid, growing up back on the farm, my Father was working out of town. One night someone came banging on the back door. After asking for identification and giving due warning, making sure it was not dear old Dad, Mom put 2 rounds through the top of the door. Needless to say the Night Prowler never returned. This was back in the 60's and one didn't bother calling the Police because out in the rural country side it took them too long to respond. We didn't have Duty To Retreat Laws in Kentucky back then, (They still don't) and had she plugged the guy it would have been not problem legally.

My Father was a Union Organizer in the Coal Mines back in those days and a few handguns and a shot gun were kept on hand, just in case. Us kids knew where they were kept but unless an Adult gave us permission or as a Last resort for home defense we left them alone.

If the Teenager in the news story had waited to identify her target before she shot, then it could have also presented the intruder with an opportunity to disarm her. As several folks have pointed it's not good form to shoot through a closed doors but in this case all's well that's ends well.