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GA Firing Line
  1. Shemp

    Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

    If you know, you know
  2. Shemp

    Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

    I'm sure you have a 338 LM somewhere. Just hunt deer in Alabama from your house
  3. Shemp

    Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

    Did you check the dumpster?
  4. Shemp

    Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

    That thing is sexy af
  5. Shemp

    Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

    He hates 308
  6. Shemp

    Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

  7. Shemp

    Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

    I love that chair
  8. Shemp

    Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

    Perfect time to make some extra cash
  9. Shemp

    Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

    Vape is the gateway
  10. Shemp

    Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

    You'll get there
  11. Shemp

    Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

    Battle rifles, bourbon, cigars, you night just be a man yet
  12. Shemp

    Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

    Today was a great day. @Hayata and @T_Max reminded me that not all of humanity is as worthless as a velvet painting of a whale fuckin a dolphin, and @KhyberPass made me realize said painting is worth more than most people
  13. Shemp

    Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

    No, and he's becoming belligerent
  14. Shemp

    Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

    X? Let me worry about X. The real problem you aren't talking about is Y
  15. Shemp

    Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

    Wtf is wrong with you? X is the most important crisis facing our generation. How can you just dismiss X like that. We all need to come together to fight X, this crisis can only be overcome if we're together. Deny the X crisis is akin to denying the holocaust. X is a very real problem and you...
  16. Shemp

    Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

    You're right, I should really take it easy I'm going too hard
  17. Shemp

    Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

    at least two of us are being productive members of society. the rest of you are just leeches
  18. Shemp

    Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

    $100. I don't know either. It's pretty.....vintage
  19. Shemp

    Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

    How much
  20. Shemp

    Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

    Ay mijo no