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  1. karlvv

    Public toilets?

    I knew you were a heathen. My kinda heathen.
  2. karlvv

    Public toilets?

    Anyone drinking tonight? I'm not because I'm a godly man of principle but I figure some of you heathens are.
  3. karlvv

    Public toilets?

    I'm on the grovetown Harlem side. Tomorrow is busy though. I have to work. Damn Army won't shut down for a pandemic.
  4. karlvv

    Public toilets?

    I just threw up in my mouth a little. Your tongue must hate you.
  5. karlvv

    Public toilets?

    Anyone else drinking on a thursday? I only drink on days that end in y now.
  6. karlvv

    Public toilets?

    That's what oio's mom said. His sister did too. A little beer and lube and we figured it out. I lack imagination though so it probably happened.
  7. karlvv

    Public toilets?

    If you ignore me I will send your dick pics that you pm'd me to everyone.
  8. karlvv

    Public toilets?

    I stick to what I'm good at. Don't need to imagine.
  9. karlvv

    Public toilets?

    Your mom told me so it's really not your choice anymore.
  10. karlvv

    Public toilets?

    You bring up others past but yours is irrelevant? Seems legit.
  11. karlvv

    Public toilets?

    My mom bought me a Jose canseco card for 125 bucks. I traded a ryne Sandburg rookie card for a middle year don Mattingly. I have made some mistakes.
  12. karlvv

    Public toilets?

    Sorry to hear that Good Sir. Looking forward to our baseball discussion. Hope you and the bride get to feeling better.
  13. karlvv

    Public toilets?

    I'll pm you this weekend and work out the details.
  14. karlvv

    Public toilets?

    Grunts love dudes with big dicks. I can't blame ya.
  15. karlvv

    Public toilets?

    I agree. Tony Gwynn was probably the best but Griffey JR was my favorite swing.
  16. karlvv

    Public toilets?

    Not the greatest hitter. The longest lasting hitter. I can name quite a few that were better.
  17. karlvv

    Public toilets?

    Could be but they went out of style before Pete.
  18. karlvv

    Public toilets?

    I only got shafted by your mom. Her dick is almost as big as mine. That's not childish. I only speak truths.
  19. karlvv

    Public toilets?

    The Sig is taped on. That and Pete can't make money any other way. He has probably signed his name 100k plus times. He still a badass though.
  20. karlvv

    Public toilets?

    Not at all. I was a pog ya lying asshole. I boast about my huge dick and sticking it in your mom.