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Southeast Traders Apparel Swag Store
  1. Hayata

    Public toilets?

  2. Hayata

    Public toilets?

    Close. Taylor Smith and' platnum... Cause dinnerware where it at, yo'!
  3. Hayata

    Public toilets?

    I see a cigar in my future...
  4. Hayata

    Public toilets?

    We got carry out from our favorite Mexican joint. Trying to help out the small businesses as best we can. Hopefully we don't get C19.
  5. Hayata

    Public toilets?

    That Platinum Blue dinnerware?
  6. Hayata

    Public toilets?

    I'm at work and y'all have been busy today!
  7. Hayata

    Public toilets?

    Did you try to stipple the base plate? Because that looks like someone tried to stipple the base plate...
  8. Hayata

    Public toilets?

    Prayers for all.
  9. Hayata

    Public toilets?

    2rd 3st? Guess I'm going to get an early start on my day.
  10. Hayata

    Public toilets?

    I said I /thought/ he had been banned. Was wrong I guess.
  11. Hayata

    Public toilets?

    Get it while you can I think the show's almost over. Yes, I'm what you call an optimist. I thought CCW had been banned.
  12. Hayata

    Public toilets?

    Waiting for steel case to reach 50cents/rd. Then I'm selling.
  13. Hayata

    Public toilets?

    Ya think the Russians are interjecting that rubbish into our system or our own loonies doing it? I still say this is over in two weeks. Recovery will be HUGE. It will be a beautiful recovery...
  14. Hayata

    Public toilets?

    $199.99 per 440 rounds equals what? Dang, I was about to bust out the cc.
  15. Hayata

    Public toilets?

  16. Hayata

    Public toilets?

    I shoot corrosive surplus match ammo through my VEPR without a care in the world. When I get home from the range I fill my wife's electric kettle and start heating the water. When it's boiling I pour it all over the exposed parts - receiver, barrel, piston, gas port, etc. Since the water is...
  17. Hayata

    Public toilets?

    Ok, so back in the day that was 16 cents/rd when I was buying it. But back in the day is only good if you have a time machine. Pre-panic I wanna say it was selling for 38-45 cents/rd? Not really .308 equitable. I'm thinking something like 400 rds 54R for 300 rds .308? Surplus 54R is...
  18. Hayata

    Public toilets?

    Glad I'm no longer in the Guard...
  19. Hayata

    Public toilets?

    Did you return the favor?
  20. Hayata

    Public toilets?

    Nice carpet.