Names have been distributed. If just one more joins would they receive their own name?
Or maybe someone got two names if there was an odd number to begin with?
Math, no one said there would be math!
Penelope - almost as good as Angel's Envy.
Boone County
Only remember those 3 since they're on my shelf.
They have a Kirkland brand "Small Batch" but not a real fan.
Si. The one off Windward Pkwy.
The Kirkland brand of Vodka is a great value.
Oh, and I'm not a coffee snob by any stretch but I will almost go without before drinking instant coffee. Ewww!
But I did say "almost".
Serious work Q! Too bad the time was wasted.
Speaking of wasted time, went to Wilson Shoals and didn't shoot worth a poot.
Still had fun but dang I need more practice.