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American Revival Apparel Company
  1. dougiemac

    I think this is going to be a popular room

    I wish Sig was in Atlanta and had similar service. :)
  2. dougiemac

    I think this is going to be a popular room

    #BuyLocal - I agree, I like the close proximity of Glock and their customer service.
  3. dougiemac

    I think this is going to be a popular room

    Same here... I thought they were cute, baby 1911's, but grew to hate them very, very quickly. So I'm wanting to move her into a the Shield or G43 and get her into 9mm and out of 380.
  4. dougiemac

    I think this is going to be a popular room

    Good question. My answer... cause I already have a Shield. :) Plus I'm wanting to give the wife a few options and get her out of that P238.
  5. dougiemac

    What's everybody catchin'?

    Yeah I've been off shore fishing a lot, just never off the pan handle.
  6. dougiemac

    What's everybody catchin'?

    Anyone have any hookups in the PCB area for off-shore fishing? Taking my son off-shore fishing for the first time and would love a good capt and boat.
  7. dougiemac

    I think this is going to be a popular room

    I'm looking to buy one in the next month.
  8. dougiemac

    Econ American Outdoor Brands (Smith & Wesson) Stock

    Smith & Wesson, now known as American Outdoor Brands is being considered a stock to hold onto for the next 50 years. "A market analyst and financial writer said Friday the longevity of Smith & Wesson makes American Outdoor Brands stock worth holding onto for the next half century." Read more...
  9. dougiemac

    KGMade integral takedown barrel

    You should post this in a regular thread.
  10. dougiemac

    KGMade in RecoilWeb - .22LR Suppressed FULL AUTO

    I do want to bro! I'm just so happy for you guys getting the attention you've earned so deserving!
  11. dougiemac

    KGMade in RecoilWeb - .22LR Suppressed FULL AUTO

    Our boys Kyle and @chance at @KGmade are hitting the BIG TIME in RECOILWEB! 1800 rounds a minute! Read here:
  12. dougiemac

    9mm subcompacts

    I do. And I bought one as a giveaway last month for the site that @NolansMindset gave away. Great, great little guns. Not a "fighting pistol" by definition, but a great little carry gun.
  13. dougiemac

    9mm subcompacts

    Great photo by the way... Did you take it? Can I repost this?
  14. dougiemac

    9mm subcompacts

    Yeah cause the G26 is a double stack.
  15. dougiemac

    9mm subcompacts

    The Shield is about the best slim sub-compact 9mm handgun available. And with the current rebate, you can get a brand new one for under $300!
  16. dougiemac

    Molot Vepr's Banned

    Image courtesy wikimedia The U.S. Department Of Treasury has updated the sanction list in connection to the Russian – Ukranian conflict, and as a result, VEPR rifles and shotguns have been added to the “banned” list. The text from the US Department of Treasury can be read below...
  17. dougiemac

    Col. Cooper’s Color Code – You’re Doing it Wrong

    Interesting article to rethink situational awareness.
  18. dougiemac

    NFA Ridiculousness

  19. dougiemac


    I've seen him up there before... younger guy, super nice.
  20. dougiemac


    Yeah @permaneo vox is right... it's not technically a shotgun under the ATF rule.