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American Revival Apparel Company
  1. Mr. Goodbar

    Public toilets?

    I'll buy the other half from you down the line
  2. Mr. Goodbar

    Public toilets?

    Think i sounded like an ass earlier about doing work for less. Just trying to get some work for not just me but spreading the money around to everyone. We do good quality work, just cut out a lot of people when we do it on the side. Get the same warranties too on everything, sometimes people...
  3. Mr. Goodbar

    Public toilets?

    Wd40 is trash, get some kroil
  4. Mr. Goodbar

    Public toilets?

    I could probably beat that depending on a few things but more than likely
  5. Mr. Goodbar

    Public toilets?

    Most issues come from improperly installed stuff. Ima straight shooter with my job, i ain't bs'ing nobody to upsell, i just give them options and opinions and it's whatever they choose
  6. Mr. Goodbar

    Public toilets?

    Pm me some info @Rabbit2047 and I'll see what i can do
  7. Mr. Goodbar

    Public toilets?

    Lol it is easier but depends on how legit you want to do it. Brazing it up and after that you're suppose to do a pressure test with nitrogen for 30 mins alone, then if no leaks, have to pull a vaccum below 500 microns. That's 1hr or slightly over in itself for those 2 alone
  8. Mr. Goodbar

    Public toilets?

    I got someone out that way, already talking to them about it
  9. Mr. Goodbar

    Public toilets?

    Idk about less than a hour now
  10. Mr. Goodbar

    Public toilets?

    Wife was worried about the baby, this is what she saw. My boys a G
  11. Mr. Goodbar

    Public toilets?

    I don't see why you couldn't do the compressor, electric heat has nothing to do with the compressor working. Sounds like maybe you have a old unit and just wants to replace it. I could replace the unit for way cheaper than that too
  12. Mr. Goodbar

    Public toilets?

    Eh some days i do, some days i don't. Never know
  13. Mr. Goodbar

    Public toilets?

    You all over the place, you don't want this
  14. Mr. Goodbar

    Public toilets?

    Maybe i need to do something with this stock
  15. Mr. Goodbar

    Public toilets?

    Straight or slant cut
  16. Mr. Goodbar

    Public toilets?

    Hotdogs are probably my favorite thing to eat, at least once a week I'm eating them
  17. Mr. Goodbar

    Public toilets?

    I would trade, sar1 are great aks
  18. Mr. Goodbar

    Public toilets?

  19. Mr. Goodbar

    Public toilets?

    Sks paratrooper me
  20. Mr. Goodbar

    Public toilets?

    Brother in law new wheels @Fast306stang