Yeah, I am not good with crowds and I knew the commute would sucks. Get a Peach Pass and you can get up 75 past most of the BS. It is definately worth the $0.50 charge. Trying to get things back on track here so I had to opt out. Thanks to all those that went and supported both SET and the NRA!
Sounds like in an effort to shut out FFL transfers for dealers, they lost their exemption punishing all in the state of ILLINOIS. This is a huge boost to the anti's effort in the state.
They have definately screwed up. They might as well just go ahead and close up shop!
Nice of them to not hassle you about it and offer to lock them up for you. Depending on the size of the crowd, some BGs might have followed you to see where you parked and broke into your vehicles and stole them.
Much mo better! Nice shootin Tex! So, were those offhand or from a rest? I don't know if you reviewed your videos to see what I was talking about, but my guess is you were shooting offhand. Glad you got things figured out. Revolvers are not unstoppable, just different mechanics involved...
Dammit! I am gonna be in Cali all of May. I really wanted to go to this event as well! I could come home for the weekend as I see the event is on Saturday. I would have tone travel home on Friday and leave on Sunday but they have us scheduled to work weekends as well.
I, too, was watching your video and using the blue gun case on the table as reference you seemed to be rocking a bit. This may be the issue when shooting from a rest and explains why you can put them on target when you shoot untested. Maybe drop down to a .22 revolver to get your grip and...
Never seen any instructor demonitrate anything with a loaded gun! What a Douche! If that had been a semiautomatic he probably would have double tapped and the second shot take of the top of his head!
Obviously the one kid had some safety experience cause he ducked when the instructor brought...