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GA Firing Line
  1. Woodstock

    Admit to something embarrassing but true...

    I have knives in my nose, I don't get embarrased
  2. Woodstock

    Its almost 5 AM

    maybe you two live together
  3. Woodstock

    *80s music thread* Glam, Hair, spandex, new wave fix

    One of Brads favorites
  4. Woodstock

    Nice to see the advertisers hitting the site.

    No sandy vag cleaning products
  5. Woodstock

    best new development on SET

    Puker should have gotten more likes. You guys are lame :brick:
  6. Woodstock

    best new development on SET

    Did an unnamed member( likely female but who knows) leave that laying around?
  7. Woodstock

    best new development on SET

    The puker is now available!!!! :puke1::puke1: :puke1::puke1:
  8. Woodstock

    Its almost 5 AM

    You're good Atlemt :boink:
  9. Woodstock

    Its almost 5 AM

    He musta been done at that point .....
  10. Woodstock

    my new CC gun

    Nano is a very good choice Sam
  11. Woodstock

    Its almost 5 AM

    WAKE UP!
  12. Woodstock

    Its almost 5 AM

    Just when youre drunk? hahahaha
  13. Woodstock

    Good morning SET!

    I'm waiting to post bail. Man its been a long weekend behind bars
  14. Woodstock


    Yes mh , even you.....heck on good days even Dear Leader (Dougie)
  15. Woodstock

    Retention holsters

    I have a serpa for oc ing on my motorcycle and training. Use inside the pocket holster for smaller weapons And a big old Honker when I'm in the woods hunting with a scoped revolver.
  16. Woodstock


    I said if you started a thread even with just one letter it would take off . This place has a good sense of community, and that's quite apparent in the interactions in this thread. Me like here....
  17. Woodstock

    Suicide Holsters

    What if pulled it before needed, just wave it around
  18. Woodstock


    Did I call it or what blue knight?
  19. Woodstock


    who could not like you??
  20. Woodstock

