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Faktory 47
  1. Mac11FA

    Mags per pistol

    Depends on your situation. I think most have been covered here. Having range mags if you go to the range or shoot on a regular basis is a good idea. I always have at least 2 spares for my carry gun and several for any vehicle based weapon. If not at home, you need to be able to defend...
  2. Mac11FA

    what's up with those filthy Czechs?

    Wonder how much shit is in the mag well and release?
  3. Mac11FA

    10mm XDM?

  4. Mac11FA

    Did anyone need more proof that Jesse James is a tool?

    This is also Jessie James!
  5. Mac11FA

    Did anyone need more proof that Jesse James is a tool?

    Most rifle cans aren't going to be dirty on the inside anyways. If he can make a living selling to the LEO/Military community then more power to him. I am so tired of people who think their shit dont stink.
  6. Mac11FA

    California - Votes for Raising Age to 21 Long Guns

    Forget the carry permit, just plop down a hunting license! I am sure those are not difficult to fake.
  7. Mac11FA

    NFA Tracker

    Damn man, that sux! Wonder if the serial number was FUCKTHEATF?+?+?+
  8. Mac11FA

    NFA Tracker

    You still waiting on that ARC-22???
  9. Mac11FA

    Spike’s Tactical Releases Waterboarding Instructor Lower

    Why not just come out with a KKK lower or something with real shock value?!?!?!? Something so shocking all you need is the built up lower and kill the perps with fear!
  10. Mac11FA

    Poverty Guns...
  11. Mac11FA

    Poverty Guns...

    Very nice. Gonna have to carve a pumpkin with that bad boy!
  12. Mac11FA

    My daughter’s First M4 completed

    Nice build! Bet yall cant wait to take to the range!
  13. Mac11FA

    Post today's workout

    Glad to see someone showed up ..
  14. Mac11FA

    Post today's workout

    Only because NC sucks so bad!
  15. Mac11FA

    Post today's workout

    They are all somewhere filling sand bags!
  16. Mac11FA

    Pearl Jewelry and other Christmas ideas

    Xmas is coming soon or maybe your special lady's birthday or an anniversary. Check out my wife's live feed and buy some nice pearl jewelry. Click on video tab then click live video! No not Live PD which most of you are watchin'!
  17. Mac11FA

    Upgraded a student’s M4

    I understand about transparency and all, just could not tell if dot my be obscured by light. Looks like a good setup. I will have to keep in mind if I set mine up with a light. Makes more sense to have everything on top rail rather than hanging off top and bottom. I would think keeping the...
  18. Mac11FA

    Upgraded a student’s M4

    Can you actually see through optic without flashlight getting in the way?
  19. Mac11FA

    California - Votes for Raising Age to 21 Long Guns

    And what ain't fruits and nuts are flakes!