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American Revival Apparel Company
  1. H

    WASR Accuracy Test

    Just buy a prebent receiver. There only like 60-70 bucks.
  2. H

    WASR Accuracy Test

    I have a pretty good friend who is a gunsmith that said he will help me. Ar's are a piece of cake but I'm thinking there is more to an ak.
  3. H

    WASR Accuracy Test

    Yea I do too, but my only want is a Polish underfolder for some strange reason. I'm thinking of buying a parts kit and trying to build one.
  4. H

    concealed, open or don't carry?

    I have a CCW hat in blaze orange, the sash kept me from operating smoothly. Kept getting the pistol caught in sash while unholstering and having negligent discharges. They damn near banned me from Waffle house for life.
  5. H

    concealed, open or don't carry?

    This is me and my battle belt before I go to Walmart. Just throw a shirt over it and I'm good to go. Concealed always.
  6. H


    Get you some Atlas straps to go with it. Much better than rope.
  7. H


    I have a camo Eno double nest like this and it's awesome! About to buy another one for my daughter.
  8. H

    It's a normal Wednesday and at 2pm all power is lost on a clear day

    Things get too boring start whittling up punji sticks to pass the time.
  9. H

    It's a normal Wednesday and at 2pm all power is lost on a clear day

    Well for now I'm 9 miles from the house for work so grab my GHB and my trusty G19 and start walking. Get the little one from school and get her to the house. Meet up with the neighbors I do know and get ready to do some "last minute shopping". Secure all windows and all but 1 door to the house...
  10. H

    Nice to see the advertisers hitting the site.

    Damn I hate to hear that. Will be saying some prayers for you.
  11. H

    4th of July plans????

    Damn who you got sleeping in the blind. I sure hope it ain't the wife!
  12. H

    stop lurking in the shadows

    I'm reporting this.
  13. H

    SWAT - Another One Bites The Dust

    I can not tell a lie, I replayed it about 5 times. Serves him right.
  14. H

    4th of July plans????

    You don't even eat fish? Yea I can't wait to see the pics. Never been to Tybee before, I'm stoked.
  15. H

    4th of July plans????

    @sam Really though if your down there next weekend I'll have the parents and whole family with me but if you want to hit up a seafood restaurant or something that would be awesome. I'll give you a shout Saturday.
  16. H

    4th of July plans????

    Come on now I wanted to send this to you!