right thereBut really I'm not sure how I feel about this. It's great that they were able to protect themselves but my 11 year old would not have access to firearms alone nor would a four your old be alone with an 11 year old and a gun...
u don't stash random cheaper guns around the house?My 11 year old twins would know how to shoot the intruder but they don't have access to the firearms when I'm not with them.
That's because the parents were at a rally LOLright there
y is a 11 year old and a 4 year old home alone?
Close enough to being a northern boy.
"Art" and "boy" don't belong in the same sentence.
What if we actually started buy , selling and trading more stuff?
Hey I'm the buyer and I like what other stuff I gotsGo right ahead...who's stopping you?
I'm waiting for the PPQ45 to come out...Hey I'm the buyer and I like what other stuff I gotswondering if everyone else is in the same
today was. A interesting day in the SET. From gay marriage to the new mystery guy member. To @ArtVandelay being a 1 pissed off mofo about doors. Even though I don't politaclly and religiously have the same beliefs as some on here. I never want to hurt anyone's feelings. I still have the urge to get a boost up from @SafeCracka and throat punch some of u! Oh and @Bypass is super cool dude. And @Laufen needs to get drunk and laid. Will calm him down @NWS u Are going to mKe me relapse into my sex addiction. Oh well. Love u all
Laufen definitely has a stick up his ass.
I am still trying to picture the whole scooter/Mosin through downtown situation. That would have made an instant viral video.