
Faktory 47


no fear...Ruger is here.
Jun 8, 2012
Okay...thoughts on Aurora Co shooting...any one else wish a person CC had been there? This nimrod shot a two year old point blank. How do the LEO control themselves on arresting a piece if garbage like this?


Support the right to self defense.
Jun 8, 2012
Irmo, SC
After this and other mass shootings I always give some thought to why I carry a firearm or two, just in case. So if I run into one I expect no mercy. Screaming and crawling away, why attempting to avoid the eye of a lunatic is hardly an apt defense.

A whole bunch of people were no doubt wishing someone were there to intervene when the shooting started. But the Police of course can only investigate a crime scene not prevent one such as this. Psychotics could care less about the victims involved and the fellow who planned and executed this atrocity dehumanized himself and his victims a long time ago.

Dealing with people who perpetrate crimes such as this is no easy manner. No conscience or remorse and even blaming their victims for bringing it on. Evil or Bad People do these things because they "can". I ran into some of these nut jobs in the past and long ago stopped trying to figure them out. I almost lost it a couple of times, which lead me to deciding to never do police work or hospital work again. I don't have the temperament for it.

We gun owners know for sure that the Media, Politicians and Anti-gun Crowd are going to jump all over this. The first initial knee jerk reaction of the politicians is to propose or implement stricter gun control laws that don't work.

England issued a turn in your handgun notice to all owners in 1998 following an incident at a school in Dunblane, Scotland in 1996. We need to keep an eye and out for similar bandwagons to increase their clamour to abolish the 2nd Amendment in this country.


Jun 8, 2012
Effington, Ohio
There will probably be many suggestions as to how to control or reduce the chances of such future events from everyone except responsible gun people. None of them will work because for every measure taken to stop it, a nutcase will find a countermeasure to render it ineffective. Each and every time. No exceptions.

Nobody is saying today that we might, but we do not have the option of losing any small portion of our rights to self defense. This incident is an example why.

However, the least effect this incident can have is to slow the positive momentum we have had recently with gun responsibility laws. We probably won't lose ground, but lawmakers are not going to want to stir the pot for a while after this. We're probably going to be status-quo for a while to come.


Studying the details of this incident leaves a lot of unanswered questions in my head as to how I would react. Would I try to take him out, how close could I get to him, have I practiced enough, would I instinctively shoot COM (no help with body armor) or go for head shoots. These are things I think we all need to think about and prepare for.


no fear...Ruger is here.
Jun 8, 2012
He was suited up pretty good.Tactical helmet..leg armor..tactical vest... throat shield. etc etc. Do you folks remember the military guy who dressed up to kill a ton of folks here in Salt Lake about a year ago? A patrol cop shot him in the head and killed from a pretty far distance after he got shot and wounded. Luck...skill..and luck. He still is a hero in my eyes.


Jun 9, 2012
I live in Centennial which is a suburb of Aurora, about 10 miles SE from the scene. It has consumed our community, rightfully so...

But I am hearing an uproar with people around me, about gun control, from both sides.

This tragedy is extremely sad...

But this has nothing to do with gun control (preaching to the choir I know), however that is the hot topic now...

I'm sure we will hear it more nationally, shortly.

Anybody that want to do something so cowardice, so horrific, will do so, regardless of law...

Unfortunately this doesn't seem to be understood...

- Gealousy


Jun 8, 2012
Effington, Ohio
mukwah said:
Studying the details of this incident leaves a lot of unanswered questions in my head as to how I would react. Would I try to take him out, how close could I get to him, have I practiced enough, would I instinctively shoot COM (no help with body armor) or go for head shoots. These are things I think we all need to think about and prepare for.
In that chaos, it doesn't really seem possible to take any action except for self preservation. Could a clean shot... in the dark.... with a gas cloud... be taken? I read one account of a woman who was burned by a hot shell. Maybe she was close enough to get a clean SD shot off. In the aftermath, if they found a random .380 bullet in a victim... there would be two shooters. I know I haven't trained for creating collateral damage. I'd be on overload.


no fear...Ruger is here.
Jun 8, 2012
He planned it out pretty well. Flash bang. Full body armour.multiple guns. Tough scenerio.your immediate response is "take him OUT..reality......?


What Would Paladin Do?
If guns were illegal. And citizens obeying the law had no guns, this kind of insanity would still happen. I don't know why it is so hard to understand that society cannot stop the criminals and crazies so it makes sense for the citizens to have the right to protect themselves as best they can.

iPad & Tapatalk


Jun 9, 2012
3Coyotes said:
mukwah said:
Studying the details of this incident leaves a lot of unanswered questions in my head as to how I would react. Would I try to take him out, how close could I get to him, have I practiced enough, would I instinctively shoot COM (no help with body armor) or go for head shoots. These are things I think we all need to think about and prepare for.
In that chaos, it doesn't really seem possible to take any action except for self preservation. Could a clean shot... in the dark.... with a gas cloud... be taken? I read one account of a woman who was burned by a hot shell. Maybe she was close enough to get a clean SD shot off. In the aftermath, if they found a random .380 bullet in a victim... there would be two shooters. I know I haven't trained for creating collateral damage. I'd be on overload.

Train? Maybe not...

But I'd like to think i would be trying to run up and hug this guy like a long lost relative while trying to find a place to muzzle him...

A situation like this would require self sacrifice and I hope I am man enough to do so...

We all know that hind sight is 20/20 and none of us, including me of course, knows how we would react but, good Lord I hope I wouldnt cower...

- Gealousy


Jun 8, 2012
Effington, Ohio
Proximity, courage, and luck.

+1 Gealousy. There are desperate choices. Retreat, dive for cover, or... recent active shooter drills in our school buildings did include a timid suggestion of bull rushing the shooter. If close enough and not being the recipient of the next shot... even if you are. It would still take clarity of thought and heroic selflessness.

There was some of that reported and some are alive because of it.


Jun 8, 2012
Western WA
Blessings on the families and loved ones of the slain, those still in the hospital and the survivors who are all suffering, even if not physically injured, as well as all the first responders. I have family in Aurora, but they were not at the theater.

Don't know what I would have done - probably just peed my pants. This was a near 'worst case scenario': Highly prepared, intelligent perp; heavily armed; moderately well protected; in the dark; diversion in progress (movie and smoke/oc(?) canisters); planned panic and chaos; difficult for victims to counter. Lots of reports of heroism among those present - some of whom died for their efforts to protect others.

It does remind me to always be more aware of my surroundings - location, time, exits, other people, unusual events, etc.


Mar 22, 2010
I was asked by a relative; If you were in the back and armed, what would you have done? I told him I would have gotten my rear end out as fast as I safely could. Had I been close enough to do something that may have been a different story, especially if I could not have escaped. The idea of just doing nothing until someone comes by to shoot me does not seem appealing to me. But on the other hand as I have said many times, and decided when I started to conceal carry. I did not get a concealed carry license to be a cop. It is to protect me and my family. It may sound cold, but that is the way it is for me.


What Would Paladin Do?
Let's say for purposes of discussion that there were 300 people in that theatre. If only 5% were legal to carry and did so, there would have been fifteen people armed and able to offer resistance. If only one of them had been able to do so, this might not have been as big a tragedy as it turned out to be.

iPad & Tapatalk


Jun 8, 2012
N41º 42', W111º 47'
Don't know what I would have done. Probably looked for the nearest way out. In the 'fog' of war (ie, all that was going on--dark theater, smoke, element of surprise, body armor, weaponry), and with that many people present, you'd have to be calm, clear-thinking, and have solid situational awareness in order to act. If you weren't close enough, I doubt most CC weapons would have had much of an impact. And, how accurate are most people beyond about seven to ten yards with, say, an LCP? I think back to a number of years ago and the LAPD encountering some bank robbers wearing body armor. What the PD had then in weaponry was short of what they really needed. Add to the mix a number of other CC's in the theater, and who knows what would have happened. Would you have known at the outset that there was only one shooter? Or would you have assumed another CC was with the shooter (who are the good guys, and who are the bad guys)? Could you have afforded yourself the luxury of assuming that everybody was on your side? And, if you were close enough to get shots off, and they didn't do the job, guess who's next? My sense is that if you were close enough, brave enough, and selfless enough, the best way to end this would have been to rush him.

Protecting your home or self is one thing. This situation was something entirely different--and I suspect that very few of us know exactly what we would have done. I certainly don't. Anyway, just my $.02.