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GA Firing Line
  1. Soylent Green

    Public toilets?

    Do you have another link to the Video? Edit: That shit is disturbing
  2. Soylent Green

    Public toilets?

    Looks like you are 161.
  3. Soylent Green

    Public toilets?

    I have a little place out of the city where I can go shoot some when I have time. The big issue is finding time to go.
  4. Soylent Green

    Public toilets?

    Looks like I am #66...what do I win? :boink:
  5. Soylent Green

    Shooting at Navy center

    Couldnt agree more.
  6. Soylent Green

    List of the All Time Best BroShows Ever!

    Vikings starts off a little slow but its hella good if you will stick with it.
  7. Soylent Green

    This is why my craft employees aren't allowed to wear jewelry

    Damn! Thats rough, that's the man reason I don't wear a wedding ring. Were the able to put the skin back on the sausage?
  8. Soylent Green

    Todays Desk Project

    Modified to 10 @dougiemac let me know if you had a specific reason to have it set to 30
  9. Soylent Green

    Cool compairson between Glock 43 and common carry pistols

    A pretty cool over lay of Glocks new 43 model and other common carry peices. Looks almost Identical to a 26 which is to be expected.
  10. Soylent Green

    Put Down the Damn Phone!

    As much as it pains me to admit this you are correct. The number of people whom are unaware of their surroundings is astounding. My wife kills me with this and it is part of the reason she hasnt driven me ANYWHERE in almost 4 years
  11. Soylent Green

    Anyone Do Any Cold Weather Camping?

    My idea of camping these days is at a Holiday Inn. If I could find a tent like this one I would reconsider...
  12. Soylent Green

    Taurus has come up with a "Survival kit"

    Seems a little steep for $1499.00