Recent content by Flipper

Preparedness Depot in Acworth, GA
  1. Flipper

    Camping Trip in NC (photos)

    Let me know if you need directions :)
  2. Flipper

    Camping Trip in NC (photos)

    Yes, You're right! That one was from Sept of 2015. It was all in the same folder & I missed it.
  3. Flipper

    Camping Trip in NC (photos)

    These are from an area called Jonas Ridge, on the East side of the Linville Gorge. It is a few miles West of the Upper Creek Falls parking area.
  4. Flipper

    Gun Shop Etiquette Top Ten Rules

    They all seem common sense to those educated in firearm safety. Although I have seen many of them broken in shops by people I thought would know better.
  5. Flipper

    6 more days until Alabama plays.

    Let the haters hate. ROLL TIDE!
  6. Flipper

    Admin Pouch experience?

    depends on how big you want. I have the Maxpedition above. i have this 5.11 when I want to carry an iPad, and it also lets me carry a handgun off-body. Maxpedition makes a version of it.
  7. Flipper

    Is lock picking a skill worth learning?

    I also have these that stay in my wallet. With a nylon handcuff key. (you know why that's there @dougiemac)
  8. Flipper

    Is lock picking a skill worth learning?

    Love this, i have a plastic one similar. I highly recommend.
  9. Flipper

    Forget shemags

    I have those for winter wear, mine are all polar fleece stuff
  10. Flipper

    Flashlight 101

    That sucks!
  11. Flipper

    Take off your patches. I'll show you mine if you show me yours.

    here's my current bag layout
  12. Flipper

    Take off your patches. I'll show you mine if you show me yours.

    can't think of anything better for a diaper bag!
  13. Flipper

    Here's some of mine.

  14. Flipper

    Building a Morale Patch Display

    I saw one I liked the other day. It was done in the shape of the IDPA target. Credit: Scott Mizel