Update 45 Brings More PvP to ESO in March

Howard Law


Feb 28, 2024
The month ahead for The Elder Scrolls Online players is packed with bloody fun and some refreshing changes for new players, as ESO’s team has summed up the activities coming in March 2025 on its newest blog post. This includes the next big patch, Update 45, plenty of PvP activities, and more.

Right now, we have the Whitestrike’s Mayhem event that brings players in for some extra PvP goodies, which also includes the Mayhem on the Battlefield Golden Pursuits. Once March kicks off, there’ll be a bit of overlap between these events, which end March 6, and that month’s login rewards that are a little more PvP-focused; plus, there’ll be a PvP Endeavor starting March 17 rewarding 230 Seals of Endeavor.

And the PvP madness doesn’t stop there, because March 6-11 brings a Deathmatch Weekend. The Battlegrounds’ Deathmatch 4v4v4 game mode returns for this weekend, bringing plenty of death and destruction.

In the midst of all this, the Fallen Banners dungeon pack and the big Update 45 go live on March 10. Update 45 specifically brings the next big step to updating the early game experience as the prior update started, this time improving the visuals of the starter zones, while Fallen Banners brings two new dungeons for players to delve into.

If you’re looking to help the future of Tamriel, the Cyrodiil Champions Test Campaign will take place March 24-31 for PC and Mac users. They’ll be launching a new Alliance War campaign in order to gather feedback for big changes coming to the classic open-world PvP zone.

Finally, the team is bringing back the Jester’s Festival, ESO’s annual April Fools event, from March 27 until April 3. Details are scarce, but we know there’ll be a new style and adornment for joining the fools’ days. Until then, the month of March is no joke.

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