How in the world is that even possible? The skill to do that would be unreal, and im sure it involved a little luck also. Hitting a target 2.1 miles away with a bulletin is just crazy to me. How can you even see that far the optics alone would have to be insane for it to work.
2.1 miles! MILES!!!! I have a hard time hitting 250 yards consistently and this bloke is shooting MILES!
2.1 miles is equal to a lot of stuff like
2.1 miles! MILES!!!! I have a hard time hitting 250 yards consistently and this bloke is shooting MILES!
2.1 miles is equal to a lot of stuff like
- Nearly 38 football fields
- The length of the National Mall from the Capitol Building to the Lincoln Memorial
- 3 and a half times the length of Chicago’s Navy Pier
- Nine Empire State Buildings
- 40 Statues of Liberty stacked on one another
- 13,583 Strips of Bacon (the normal kind, not the Canadian kind)
- 1886 and a half Gretskies
- 142 Canadian Maple trees
- 56.5 ice hockey rinks
- 188 Tim Hortons lined up in a row