Open Carry Tips For Ohio

Preparedness Depot in Acworth, GA


Boom, Got my CCW pistol finall!
Feb 17, 2016
Anyone have the guidelines or laws for open carry in ohio available? I have a friend who is a staunch advocate of not wanting to get a CCW because he doesn't want tracked and he just open carries a lot but we are going on a trip later this week and i dont want to haul him around with a loaded firearm everywhere if its not legal.



NRA Life Member (Everybody should be!)
Feb 3, 2016
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Rangers Lead The Way!
Feb 17, 2016
With all due respect to your buddy, open carry does nothing but paint a giant bullseye on your back. Who is the first person the thug is going to shoot after pulling out his gun during a robbery.....the only other guy with a gun. While I am a supporter of the fact it is legal in Ohio and hope it always is, not a smart move. Making yourself a target.

Shawn Agne

Feb 22, 2016
I laugh at the whole tracked thing. We had shooters at Camp Atterbury who quit coming to matches when the base required us to get s/n's for the gate roster. Same thing happened at Ft. Knox for the Meade County matches. Some people decided they didn't want to turn stuff in because they didn't want their s/n's tracked (in the case of Atterbury they're just on a sheet of paper at the gate incase of a lock down so they can let you out). Like I told those people if they really wanted to find who had the guns they could A.) go to all the dealers collect the FFL papers and put them in a computer. B.) look at peoples financial statements or C.) check match results, bulletin boards, etc.

While OC is nice like Chirs said you're just putting a target on yourself, or like the people that like to strap an AR on their back and make a scene that you can OC you just look stupid.


Mar 14, 2016
I actually see both sides of the argument and won't condemn anyone who chooses to open carry or chooses to concealed carry.

On one side of the coin, as Chris said, open carry might make someone intent on doing harm target you first. But on the other hand, most situations aren't a criminal having decided to go on a shooting spree but are people committing crimes of opportunity. Having worked in law enforcement for 11 years, I'm pretty convinced that the vast majority of armed crimes would not even happen if the criminal sees that someone else is there with a firearm. Example: an armed robber walks in a convenience store with the intent to rob the place of a few hundred bucks. He sees a man open carrying (who should have situational awareness and not get surprised by attack anyway). Nearly 100% of the time he will turn around and look for another, easier, target. If someone is carrying concealed in that situation, he may now be confronted with having to use his gun when he wouldn't have if he was open carrying. It's six of one, half dozen of another. Open carry might deter some attacks while inviting others. Concealed carry might give you an upper hand when an attack happens, but will not specifically deter a criminal since he doesn't know you have it (meaning the concealed carrier will have to face every armed attack rather than having some of them abandoned by the criminal). I believe, though nearly impossible to quantify abandoned attacks, the data bears this out.

Further, one of the major reasons we have the great fear of guns in our society is because most people never see them on average citizens. Unfamiliarity breeds fear. So there is something to be said for people exercising their constitutional right to carry openly, in view of the public, to help lessen the stigma of guns in public.

So I see value in both types of carrying. That said, I carry concealed nearly all the time when I'm out in public on my personal time. But I do carry open every once in a while. Whether you open carry, or concealed carry, the key to success is situational awareness. Both methods of carry have advantages and disadvantages, but both require situational awareness. I won't argue about either method because the arguments on both sides have merit. It is up to the individual to decide which advantages and disadvantages he prefers to deal with. And since it's life and death at stake, that is a very personal decision. I won't deride anyone's choice to open carry or concealed carry.

As for OP's friend. Definitely be aware of the fact that while open carry is legal, it is not legal to have a loaded pistol in your car unless you have a CCW license. Unlawful Handling of Firearms in a Motor Vehicle is a serious crime.
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Feb 1, 2016
However you friend wants to carry is up to him. I just hope he puts the correct ammo in his firearm. :D


Hobbyist Photographer
Jan 30, 2016
[QUOTE="Mike Weidleman]However you friend wants to carry is up to him. I just hope he puts the correct ammo in his firearm. :D

So true!!!! Correct ammo make a world of difference how it exits a gun... :)


Mar 19, 2016
[QUOTE="Chris Timmerman]With all due respect to your buddy, open carry does nothing but paint a giant bullseye on your back. Who is the first person the thug is going to shoot after pulling out his gun during a robbery.....the only other guy with a gun. While I am a supporter of the fact it is legal in Ohio and hope it always is, not a smart move. Making yourself a target.



Mar 19, 2016
Open carry is my preferred method but he needs to just get the damn government infringement card


Rangers Lead The Way!
Feb 17, 2016
@caleb4387 , do you have specific reasons you believe my opinion to be false? Or simply your personal feelings?

Regardless, If he wants to do it that's fine, just something I dont recommend as common practice to my students.


Mar 19, 2016
There's no evidence to back up your claims. I have yet to find any case of an open carrier being shit first. Open carry is s matter of opinion. There are pros and cons to each method. I don't care if people dislike open carry but they should at least make it clear it's their opinion and preference and not use the same old tired arguments with no evidence to back them up.


Rangers Lead The Way!
Feb 17, 2016
While thankfully this active shooter in a school tragedy was avoided, the suspect admitted his plan to the police when arrested. Among the other details of the story, what is your belief as to why the first person he planned to kill at the school was the School Resource Officer if not because he was the only person in the school KNOWN to have a gun as SRO's are uniformed and open carry.

The trending belief that open carry makes you a more likely target is shown by the ever increasing number of schools nationwide adopting Active Shooter Response Plans that included carefully selected volunteer staff that are given appropriate training and authorized to concealed carry in the school. The demand by schools is so high that the sole purpose of the FASTER program through Buckeye Firearms Association is to provide this training to school districts and they are BUSY!

If someone chooses to open carry that is completely up to them. However, I would consider the above examples fairly compelling support to back up my thoughts on the matter. You are more than welcome to disagree.

Edit: Another example of open carry gone bad. Given he was lacking situational awareness most likely, would the criminal had even stopped had the victim not been open carrying?
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Mar 19, 2016
Totally different scenario. In this case it was akin to targeting an officer bEcause he's an officer. I open carry to deter would be muggers etc not active shooters. Nor will I ever be carrying in a school given the obvious legal issues so no real relevance to the discussion


Rangers Lead The Way!
Feb 17, 2016
To make a more relevant comparison was the purpose for my edit and adding the 2nd link if you read it.

In the spirit of additional opinions, other members feel free to chime in!
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Mar 19, 2016
Understood. In most cases I'll take my chances. A visible firearm gas already put an end to one escalating situation in my life and I think a simple mugging is far more likely than an active shooter. We all have to decide though what we prep for most. In some cases I conceal


Mar 14, 2016
Active shooter scenarios are so fundamentally different from common armed robbery scenarios it's almost not worth discussing. As I have tried to point out from my experience, and I believe the data bears out, is that far more situations/shootings are prevented by a potential guman abandoning their plans upon seeing armed resistance than would ever result in the gunman targetting an open carrier. I simply don't buy that argument at all. I deal with criminals daily. I have a pretty good idea how they think. You have to not only assume the criminal is willing to confront armed resistance but also that they will even notice a random citizen carrying. The likelihood is so remote to be negligible at best. Speaking against open carry for only that reason is really making somethimg out of nothing.
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Rangers Lead The Way!
Feb 17, 2016
I understand your point, and it is a valid one. I guess for me it comes down to this, I carry a firearm for the protection of myself, family, and potentially a stranger from severe bodily harm or death. I do not carry it as a deterrent to would be criminals. That can be left to law enforcement.

I, like many CCW carriers I would guess, carry a firearm for that "worst case scenario" event that requires us to use deadly force to safe a life. That same "worst case scenario" is that the criminal needs/wants it so bad that he is willing to do whatever is necessary, regardless of an openly armed individual around. I understand that will not always be the case.....but what if it is that one time? I personally prefer not to lose my potential advantage of surprise by depending on the lack of resolve of a criminal and hoping he doesn't need it/want it bad enough.

Everyone of course makes their own choices for their own reasons, and in the end we're all supporters of the 2nd Amendment and our Constitutional rights. It's been a lively discussion and enjoyable.

TL, can you direct me to the data you're referring to when you say "...the data bears out..." as I would really like to read up on the documented instances of would be assailants confessed to abandoning their plans due to open carry/openly armed deterrent. I appreciate your input!


Mar 19, 2016
[QUOTE="Chris Timmerman]I understand your point, and it is a valid one. I guess for me it comes down to this, I carry a firearm for the protection of myself, family, and potentially a stranger from severe bodily harm or death. I do not carry it as a deterrent to would be criminals. That can be left to law enforcement.
I, like many CCW carriers I would guess, carry a firearm for that "worst case scenario" event that requires us to use deadly force to safe a life. That same "worst case scenario" is that the criminal needs/wants it so bad that he is willing to do whatever is necessary, regardless of an openly armed individual around. I understand that will not always be the case.....but what if it is that one time? I personally prefer not to lose my potential advantage of surprise by depending on the lack of resolve of a criminal and hoping he doesn't need it/want it bad enough.

Everyone of course makes their own choices for their own reasons, and in the end we're all supporters of the 2nd Amendment and our Constitutional rights. It's been a lively discussion and enjoyable.

TL, can you direct me to the data you're referring to when you say "...the data bears out..." as I would really like to read up on the documented instances of would be assailants confessed to abandoning their plans due to open carry/openly armed deterrent. I appreciate your input!

[/QUOTE] that's a statements I can get behind. I know I've never seen open carrier shoots attacker in the headlines. I have no problem with how anyone chooses to carry. I just ask allpro gun folks to respect and support the right no matter how and what we carryand to not discourage it with the same old tired arguments with no supporting evidence.


Rangers Lead The Way!
Feb 17, 2016
I feel like we should get into the caliber and stopping power debate next! (said with extreme sarcasm)