Thanks! It's been a pretty cool month so far. Hurried to get this site up and running. Early on it was pretty rough and I think it scared away a lot of potential users just because how unfriendly it was, but its come a long way in just 4 short weeks. Here are some stats (these are from February 4th to today)
Total Page Views: 161,124
Avg Daily Views: 6,115
Total Unique Visitors: 12,261
Avg Daily: 454
Page Hits (total files sent from us, to you) 355,564
Avg Daily: 13,169
Bandwidth Used: 11.19GB
Avg Daily: 425
Most people browse the site using Google Chrome with Safari a distant second. Google search sent us 82 visitors while Facebook sent over 8,000, and despite my best efforts to convert some MeWe users, we didn't get much traffic from them (or anonymized their outgoing links)
But either way as you can see for a site thats barely 30 days old thats pretty good. Hopefully it continues to grow and I can start reporting more interesting statistics like 60 active classifieds, 5 completed deals reported, and around $2,800 in total site transactions going by completed listing prices.
Thanks to everyone who comes and checks in daily and makes contributions to the community! Without you guys this would all be worthless!