Confirmed: NRA and Law Makers will fight ATF on M855 Ban

American Revival Apparel Company


Lord of Chaos
Lifetime Supporter
Aug 26, 2014
North Georgia
It's confirmed the NRA and Law Makers will fight the over reaching power of the irrelevant BATFE organization to keep military surplus XM855/SS109 "Green Tip" ammo legal for purchase in U.S. The BATFE is once again chipping away at our rights and freedoms and rendering the Constitution worthless little by little with their continued assault on our 2nd Amendment Rights that protect all the other rights and freedoms we cherish in our great country. Be sure to continue to make your voice heard by calling, emailing and writing the BATFE as well as your local law maker and elected officials, telling them you will not stand for this sort of tyranny any more.
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Sep 13, 2014
Springboro Ohio
It's confirmed the NRA and Law Makers will fight the over reaching power of the irrelevant BATFE organization to keep military surplus XM855/SS109 "Green Tip" ammo legal for purchase in U.S. The BATFE is once again chipping away at our rights and freedoms and rendering the Constitution worthless little by little with their continued assault on our 2nd Amendment Rights that protect all the other rights and freedoms we cherish in our great country. Be sure to continue to make your voice heard by calling, emailing and writing the BATFE as well as your local law maker and elected officials, telling them you will not stand for this sort of tyranny any more.
This is complete BS and another way for a certain government to try to take small chips away at our constitutional rights!!


Feb 16, 2015
Strasburg area
What I don't get, is they are going after then because they are steel core and that makes them feel they can call them "armor piercing". The problem with this to me is how like California has outlawed lead so much they are basically outlawing lead core bullets for environmental reasons. So if you cannot have lead ammo, and steel is "armor piercing", are they only allowed to use wood now??
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