How many of your wives concealed carry? And what do they carry? We had a little... experience..... with some gypsies today. Now my wife is wanting her own carry gun. (She technically has two, I just kinda stole them for myself) What do you suggest? I will say this, she HATES revolvers. I already tried that road. Guess I'll have to find another excuse to get an LCRx 3.
So auto loaders are preferred. She doesn't have anywhere near as much trigger time as she honestly needs, so it needs to be light on recoil. Reliability is a must. I have a G42. She hates my G26, and she loves my G19. What do I need to get for my new range t.... I mean HER new CCW.
I debated on the Performance Center Shield 9mm. The ports should cut down on the recoil for her and I think she'll enjoy the other upgrades.
So auto loaders are preferred. She doesn't have anywhere near as much trigger time as she honestly needs, so it needs to be light on recoil. Reliability is a must. I have a G42. She hates my G26, and she loves my G19. What do I need to get for my new range t.... I mean HER new CCW.
I debated on the Performance Center Shield 9mm. The ports should cut down on the recoil for her and I think she'll enjoy the other upgrades.