wanted to buy

GA Firing Line
  1. Ohio Gun Owner

    Best Type Of Sig To Buy?

    I've been looking at the Sig Sauer line up a lot lately, and I'm wondering what the best one to buy is? I'd like to keep the cost of the Sig under $800 or so that should give me plenty of room to work. Let me know the best Sig to buy please. Thanks
  2. Hawkeye

    Do you shoot steel cased ammo?

    Just wondering how many people shoot whatever ammo they can find in their guns? I've never had an issue with steel cased ammo myself and im wondering if anyone else out there has similar experience or if steel cased ammo has given them problems. Steel cased ammo seems to be so much cheaper...
  3. Ken Carnes

    Show And Tell Friday Show What You Have

    Savage Model 25 .223 Caliber Lightweight Varminter Bolt-Action Rifle With a Vortex Viper HS-T Riflescopes 6.5 X 20 X 50 <p><a...
  4. Dirtbike

    Any Ak Shooters Out There

    Here's mine, Arsenal Arms SLR 107-F (made in Bulgaria)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/20160204_214445.jpg.889d546b9a5c7d33c2858210acb58471.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="418"...
  5. Ohio Gun Owner

    Ohio Concealed Carry Classes

    It'd be great to have a resource for where we can get some information on Ohio Concealed Carry (CCW License) information. Like requirements, courses, approved instructors, etc etc.
  6. Ken Carnes

    Where Are You Shooting

    I shoot at North Lawrence Fish-Game Club private club 200 yards
  7. D

    Firearm Deals Thread!

    Find a good deal on a firearm or firearm related item! Post it here for others to take advantage of!