
Howard Law
  1. SouthernSlammed

    What To Short Barrel 1st?

    So, which would you Short Barrel 1st? Why? Of course all three are on the chopping block, but who should go 1st? I'm torn, my thought is AR first, since I could do several different caliber uppers. But that AK would be great too!!! So...
  2. mmason3

    Shotgun side saddle

    I got a Remington 870 Tactical for Christmas. 18" barrel with a 6 shot tube. I have had one of these in the past and unfortunately it was lost. Before I lost it, I had put the Magpul SGA stock and MOE fore-grip on the shotgun and loved the way it felt. I will be doing this again. There was a...
  3. David (OHGO)

    Less than lethal shotgun ammo for home defense

    What is the consensus about using less than lethal rounds for home defense? Would it be a good idea to disable and debilitate the threat vs eliminating it completely? I'm wondering for a liability and insurance type need. Would I be better off and likely avoid jail that way, vs killing someone.
  4. dougiemac

    The Triple Double, 6 Barrel Shotgun!

    The Triple Double, 6 Barrel Shotgun! ...with a SoutheastTraders spotting! Thanks to my buddy Matt!
  5. ?

    [Article] - Who is allowed to own or buy a firearm in Ohio?

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  6. dougiemac

    World's Fastest Shotgun - Fostech Origin 12 Suppressed

    IraqVeteran8888 takes a new toy out for a spin...the Fostech Origin 12 with Salvo Suppressor in an SBS configuration.
  7. Dirtbike

    Defensive Shooting Drills

    How many of ya run Defensive Shooting Drills? Myself I like feedback when I'm on the range, don't get me wrong there are times when I enjoy punching holes in paper but one of the things that I do on a very regular basis is get out to the range and shoot point of aim starting at 7 yds and...
  8. Dirtbike

    Shotgun Advice

    Ok admittedly I'm not much of a shotgun person, for a really long time I've been in to my bolt rifles and long range shooting but found alot of joy in pistol shooting lately. I'd like to start looking into Sporting Clays to mix it up a bit and just to be able to get out of my realm a little...
  9. dougiemac

    XRail Shotgun Magazine Extender

    XRail Shotgun Magazine Extender... Why? Cause reloading is for losers. hahaha
  10. dougiemac

    Home Defense: AR vs Shotgun

    Home Defense: AR vs Shotgun... which one do you prefer and why?