self defense

Faktory 47
  1. David (OHGO)

    [Article] - Constitutional Carry Bill Makes its Way to Ohio Legislature

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  2. BigMikey

    [Article] - Basic Self Defense Moves For Everyone

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  3. David (OHGO)

    What else do you carry besides a firearm?

    What other items/weapons do you carry besides a firearm for concealed carry or self defense purposes?
  4. David (OHGO)

    [Article] - Choose the Right Size Handgun To Concealed Carry

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  5. GunGeezer

    Old timer looking for advice on revolvers for self defense

    Older guy here, used to have a few revolvers but I've sold them all over the years or given them to my kids. Im getting up there in years now and my neighborhood is starting to take a turn for the worse so I think the time is good to get another one. I was looking at getting a Smith & Wesson...
  6. David (OHGO)

    Crossfire Ammunition (Made in Ohio)

    Was at a gun show today and found a guy in the corner selling some ammo he makes by the name Crossfire Ammunition ( Has anyone ever heard of, or used this stuff? The guy was cool to talk with, seemed to know his ammo (but thats not hard to impress me with ammo...
  7. David (OHGO)

    2017 Guide To Ohio Concealed Carry Reciprocity States

    Since the State of Ohio began to issue concealed carry weapon permits (CCW Permits) we have been blessed with having reciprocity agreements with other starts to allow us to carry concealed. Currently Ohio has one of these best and most extensive reciprocity agreements in the country. States with...
  8. Ohio Gun Owner

    [Article] - Choosing the most effective home defense firearms

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  9. D

    How to get a free nra membership

    david submitted a new blog post How To Get A Free NRA Membership Continue reading the Original Blog Post.
  10. Ohio Gun Owner

    Why multiple home defense plans are a good idea

    Ohio Gun Owner submitted a new blog post Why multiple home defense plans are a good idea Continue reading the Original Blog Post.
  11. Ohio Gun Owner

    [Article] - Why multiple home defense plans are a good idea

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  12. D

    Breaking news: ohio ccw holders get nics exemption

    david submitted a new blog post Breaking News: Ohio CCW Holders Get NICS Exemption Continue reading the Original Blog Post.
  13. Hawkeye

    Anyone teach hand to hand combat in addition to ccw

    I'll be taking my first CCW class this weekend and in addition to it the instructor said if he has time he will teach us some basic hand to hand combat techniques. Is this normal for CCW classes? Do we need to know this stuff to complete the course and get the certificate? Is this stuff I should...
  14. TheCompleteCombatant

    Fusion Fitness and Mixed Martial Arts

    "My name is Brian Hill and I am owner and head Coach of Fusion Fitness and Mixed Martial Arts, Proactive Mindset and The Complete Combatant. I am co-instructor at Center Mass Tactical Training and I compete in IDPA. I have over 30 years experience in training and instructional combative firearm...
  15. TheCompleteCombatant

    The Complete Combatant on the luxury of it all......

    The Complete Combatant: 1.5 day course is for the armed citizen on how to survive the chaos of extreme close quarters combat. In this non-live fire environment you will use a BlueGun, SIRT, or training pistol but we HIGHLY recommend using a TRAINSAFE DISABLER…which we will supply (visit GEAR...
  16. dougiemac

    AmmoNation Visits Thunder Ranch

    This episode of AmmoNation, but a really good episode. If you're a student of the modern day self defense school of learning to fight with your weapon: pistol, rifle (CQB or long range), etc. then you should know the name Clint Smith and Thunder Ranch. If you don't, then consider this your...
  17. dougiemac

    OATH Ammo Looks Promising

    Has anyone heard, seen or used OATH Ammo? A friend of mine posted this who has worked in the firearms industry for decades. And keep in mind, this is an underpowered .380ACP round. "OATH Ammo .380ACP gel tested...all energy dumped inside target. This stuff is truly amazing. First civilian...
  18. dougiemac

    Can You Take A Human Life?

  19. dougiemac

    Krav Maga - Shut A Fight Down in 3 Secs With a Blood Choke

  20. dougiemac

    Action v Reaction

    Very interesting video by Dave Young from Arma Training a member of Vistelar. He brings up some really great points about target acquisition, sight confirmation, and reaction vs when to take action. I don't know many people that would shoot a bad guy in the back if all he did was turn his head...