
Preparedness Depot in Acworth, GA
  1. NolansMindset

    REVOLVERS SUCK - Part 2 | There's Still Hope!!

    Ok so most of you might already know, I recently got into the revolver game and have been struggling a little with the new "platform". They are a completely different animal that the semi autos that i'm used to and I know its going to take some time. I recently went back to the range with some...
  2. NolansMindset

    REVOLVERS SUCK!!!.... Or Maybe Its Me! (Video)

    So here recently I started getting into revolvers and picked up 2 Smith and Wessons, a 629 44 mag and 686 357 mag. Well I just went out to the range to shoot some groups at 25 yards with the 629 and lets just say it was a HUGE disappointment! I know its just ME not being familiar with this type...
  3. T

    Heating Up....

    Does anyone else have a problem with the cylinders of their revolvers becoming unbearably hot during extended/rapid fire? I shoot a S&W m10 (1988) and m15 (1977) in USPSA, so the max rounds is roughly 32 in a single stage. The last match I shot, the cylinder got so hot I nearly dropped the...
  4. NolansMindset

    Removing Powder Burns/Burn Rings from Stainless Revolver (Video)

    So theres nothing worse than having a nice Stainless Steel revolver with those ugly powder burns on the front of the cylinder. Ive tried a few different methods including the Lead Removing rags with little to no luck. But here is a video showing one product that works perfectly with little...
  5. NolansMindset

    Smith and Wesson 686 357 Magnum 4" (Video)

    So for the longest time I have believed what I read on the internet.... I know, scary right! You always here that you HAVE to have a semi-auto and revolvers are outdated an useless. Now I know the higher capacity semi autos definitely have advantages over a revolver, but I think a nice revolver...
  6. Mac11FA

    .17 caliber pistols

    Red Dawn and I were shooting at our undisclosed location yesterdayou and the owner asked if we knew of a revolver in .17 caliber and to be honest, I was about 90% sure there wasn't one. Red Dawn pm'd me one such offering and I found another. Theven owner specifically wanted a revolver because...