hogue grips

Howard Law
  1. NolansMindset

    Wood Grips Too Brutal?? - Lets Find Out | S&W "686" 357 Magnum (VIDEO)

    Before buying some new wood grips for my S&W 686 I did a lot of research online trying to decide which ones I wanted. While doing my search I noticed a lot of people were staying away from wood grips because they didn't want the recoil to be too brutal with the hard wood grips. So today we are...
  2. NolansMindset

    AWESOME NEW GRIPS!! - Hogue "Pau Ferro" Wood Grips | S&W 686 4"

    So I recently installed a Hogue Monogrip on my S&W 629 44 Mag and absolutely loved it, I loved it so much I bought one for my 686 4". Well after getting them installed unfortunately I didnt like them at all. They had a different "feel" than the ones on my 629. So my solution, I picked up some...