
Preparedness Depot in Acworth, GA
  1. ColtCobain

    GA Glock 42 380.

    Glock 42 380. Only has 2 rounds through it brand new box and docs
  2. RangerTim

    TSD Training Tips!

    Have you ever heard of the "thumbs forward grip"?  What's the advantage?  Why use it?  TSD teaches not just HOW, but WHY we use a specific technique.  It allows for a better understanding by our students. Here's a little explanation from Tactical Skills Development. TSD on the thumbs forward...
  3. kingkalifor

    D5 handgun class

    Ive never taken a training course. (minus my ccw course) and I want to take a Travis Haley course, he has a D5 handgun course coming up in CA next year and I wanna go. I want to know if anyone here has any experience with the D5 handgun course. Do I need Ammo? I didn't see it on the required...
  4. D

    How to properly transport firearms in a motor vehicle in ohio

    David submitted a new blog post How to Properly Transport Firearms in a Motor Vehicle in Ohio Continue reading the Original Blog Post.
  5. ?

    [Article] - Who is allowed to own or buy a firearm in Ohio?

    View full article
  6. D

    Best handguns for concealed carry in ohio

    I'm looking to put together a list of handguns that are good for concealment in Ohio. With the ride range of weather we experience in any given week (and sometimes day) finding that one gun that fits all seasons can be difficult. Anyone have their top 2-3 favorite handguns for concealment in Ohio?
  7. H

    My Hipoint Has Never Failed Me, So Why The Hate?

    I'm just wondering why people hate on hipoints all the time? Mine has never once misfired or gave me a problem and I'm 3000 rounds in to it at least. Is unusual for a hipoint to be so reliable? maybe i have a freak hipoint handgun
  8. JustinS

    Glock Generation 5 News

    Anyone know anything about the future plans for the next generation of glock guns? I like the gen4 but was wondering if I should wait before i buy another new one?