
American Revival Apparel Company
  1. ColtCobain

    GA Glock 42 380.

    Glock 42 380. Only has 2 rounds through it brand new box and docs
  2. NolansMindset

    CARRY UPGRADES - Glock 43 - Part 2 - Sights & Mag Extensions

    So this is part 2 of my quest to make the Glock 43 "MY" Ultimate Carry Gun! Let me know what you guys think!
  3. NolansMindset

    Glock 43 Carry Upgrades - Part 1 | Range Test

    So im on a quest to make the G43 the ultimate carry gun ...... for me. So this is Part 1 and im out at the range testing out the new grip tape from Sand Paper Pistol Grips along with my new Holster from Harrys Holsters. As I do more to the G43 ill definitely make more videos.
  4. NolansMindset

    CARBON FIBER AWESOMENESS - Harry's Holsters G43 | First Look

    So I just received my new holster for my G43 from Harry's Holsters. This time I decided to give the Carbon Fiber pattern a try and man does it look GOOD!! Along with the Holster, I also got some of his new mag carriers that i'll be trying out so definitely stay tuned for more videos!
  5. David (OHGO)

    Just got a Glock 26 for summer time!

    So I was out and about today and came across a pretty solid deal on a Glock 26. Something I've been wanting a while now anyway and with summer fast approaching I decided to go ahead and get it. After my trip to Phoenix this weekend I'm hoping to get out and get some range time with it. Will let...
  6. NolansMindset

    MY HOME DEFENSE GUN | For That Bump In The Night!! (VIDEO)

    So today I decided to bring my home defense/night stand gun out to the range to do some shooting. I believe that if you have a gun that you are going to rely on to protect yourself and your loved ones, you need to make sure it works with the ammo you use and any accessories you will be using...
  7. DoglegArms

    Glock NIBONE Battle Worn

    This is interesting. Made by Legal Manufacturing Specs: • HARDNESS: 70+HRc (1076+ HV) • LUBRICITY: Low static coefficient of friction without lubrication • More than twice the wear resistance of hard chrome; NIB will outlast the life of the part in most...
  8. D

    How to properly transport firearms in a motor vehicle in ohio

    David submitted a new blog post How to Properly Transport Firearms in a Motor Vehicle in Ohio Continue reading the Original Blog Post.
  9. D

    Best handguns for concealed carry in ohio

    I'm looking to put together a list of handguns that are good for concealment in Ohio. With the ride range of weather we experience in any given week (and sometimes day) finding that one gun that fits all seasons can be difficult. Anyone have their top 2-3 favorite handguns for concealment in Ohio?
  10. RangerTim

    Apex glock triggers

    Had my first change to put about 20 or so rounds through a G17 with one of the APEX triggers in it. It was unlike any other Glock trigger I've ever shot....I run a Glockworx/ZEV Technologies trigger in my G34 and it had a totally different feel. Just curious if anyone out there has more...
  11. DTF23

    Your favorite firearm manufacturer

    Whats everyones favorite gun maker? Mine is probably Henry, but Glocks are a pretty close second.
  12. dougiemac

    Full Auto Glock 43

  13. JustinS

    Glock Generation 5 News

    Anyone know anything about the future plans for the next generation of glock guns? I like the gen4 but was wondering if I should wait before i buy another new one?
  14. Ohiobellboy

    Teach me about reloading..

    Since the wife has also taken up the sport of killing paper plates with bullets, I can see where this is going to get expensive real quick. My little brother and I have talked in the past about getting a reloading outfit together. Who's using what? Recommendations? Experiences? Any/all...
  15. Ohio Gun Owner

    Ohio Concealed Carry Classes

    It'd be great to have a resource for where we can get some information on Ohio Concealed Carry (CCW License) information. Like requirements, courses, approved instructors, etc etc.
  16. dougiemac

    80% Lower Glock Handguns

    I did not see this at SHOT Show because my dance card was slammed, however I saw this story and thought it was very interesting, especially in the given times we live in.
  17. Leshaire

    How do you pee??

    So I was out to eat last night and went to the bathroom to drain the main vein. As I'm trying to figure out wtf to do with my gun, which is a Glock 19 in a full kydex appendix IWB holster, I am thinking, "There has to be a better way to hold this thing while I empty the sea monster." I've done...
  18. Red Dawn

    Glock Cut Away

  19. Leshaire

    RM02 vs RM07 for EDC

    Should I pay the extra $20 for adjustable brightness or is that stupid and will likely never be used? Seems like the RM02 auto brightness gets raving reviews, and is $20 cheaper. Will be on a G19 carried daily. Help me decide...
  20. Red Dawn

    Now Available SilencerCo TB for G26

    Have you seen that you can now get Threaded Barrels for Glock G26 from SilencerCo. Added