class 3

American Revival Apparel Company
  1. LeatherHeadShooter

    11.5" Barrel Suggestions

    Working on a build and I'm starting out with a build parts list, because I'm organized like that. I'm building a 5.56 SBR project, a Spike's/Strike Industries idea I've had in my head for a while. I've got almost all of my parts found and sourced out but I'm having a hard time deciding on a...
  2. dougiemac

    Important Update on ATF-41F

    An important update on the implementation on ATF-41F: ATF Asserts Fingerprints and Photographs Will Be Required With All Applications After July 13, 2016 ATF Advises Postmark of Applications Will Determine Grandfathering Read more...
  3. dougiemac

    Breaking My Full Auto Cherry

    Thanks to @Mac11FA for breaking my full auto cherry at the SoutheastTraders Machine Gun Meet & Greet BBQ Extravaganza! This is an open bolt (full auto) MAC 11 suppressed.
  4. dougiemac

    ATF: Soda Can Launcher is AOW

    The ATF is at it again with their ridiculous definitions. "X Products came out with a nifty little device a while back that uses blank 5.56 NATO cartridges to launch soda cans through the air. It was a really cool and fun concept, and we’ve had a blast using it.Apparently the ATF has caught...