
GA Firing Line
  1. NolansMindset

    Rifle Projects - Pistol Build - Moving Forward With The Channel

    For this video im discussing and looking for opinion on a couple rifle projects, an upcoming pistol build and also what I plan to do moving forward with the channel. Check out the video and give me your feedback.
  2. NolansMindset

    Colt vs BCM | A Closer Look

    So I was asked by a viewer to do comparison of the Colt and the BCM rifles. They wanted a more "close up" look of both meaning finishes,materials used, BCG's etc..... So here's what I came up with. Take a look and let me know what you guys' opinions are on this as well. Colt or BCM??
  3. NolansMindset

    Sopmod Block 1 Clone Build - Part 2 | More Changes!! (VIDEO)

    So I made some more changes to my Sopmod Block 1 clone build. I guess you could almost call this the devolution of my BCM rifle haha..... But all in all im pretty happy with how its turned out so far. Heres a quick video showing the changes. Let me know what you guys think!
  4. NolansMindset

    Clash of the AR15's | Which one do you prefer?? (VIDEO)

    Ok so one of the best things about an AR15 is how customizable they are. From, caliber to barrel length to old school to latest and greatest. On top of that, no one way is necessarily better than the other. It all comes down to what the user wants/needs or what that particular rifle will be used...
  5. NolansMindset

    BCM 14.5" SOCOM Build - Pt.2 | Let's See If It Runs!! (VIDEO)

    Recently I picked up a complete BCM 14.5" SOCOM upper to start a new build. Well my local gun shop got my BCM Complete lower in and I also picked up a Midwest Industries quad rail so today we are out at the range running the first rounds through it to see if it functions! Let me know what you...
  6. NolansMindset


    So ive decided to put together another rifle and this time im doing things a little different than I normally do. It seems like every time I build an AR it ends up in the same configuration, (16" Barrel, 15" Handguard etc....) So this time I decided to go with a more "simple" build if you...
  7. Leshaire

    BCM rifle quality, durability, accuracy?

    Anyone here have a BCM? I've heard nothing but great things and think I may go BCM for my suppressed 5.56 SBR setup. The one I am looking at is: BCM Standard Carbine Enhanced Lightweight Upper Receiver Group...