
Preparedness Depot in Acworth, GA
  1. OspreyShootingSolutions

    Osprey Shooting Solutions, Dynamic Rifle Course, 19 June 2021

    Join us for our next Dynamic Rifle course. Gift certificates are available on our website:
  2. OspreyShootingSolutions

    Dynamic Rifle: You will be challenged!

    Join us for our next Dynamic Rifle course. Gift certificates are available on our website:
  3. OspreyShootingSolutions

    OSS Dynamic Rifle Course

    Ladies and Gentlemen, get some solid training with your AR. This course is a step beyond the basics, and filled with dynamic drills. Feel free to contact us for details or questions. Or check out our website.
  4. ZachBNimble


    BCM factory upper reciever Ballistic Advantage 9” 300blk barrel SLR 8.3 ion lite rail AAC 3 prong non mount +/- 60 rounds through it $400obo Trade for exps or toward mini acog or Aimpoint mini
  5. dougiemac

    Can't Stop the Signal - 3D CAD Gun Plans

    Communist Democrats are trying to censor free speech and block all sites that have downloadable 3D CAD plans for firearms. Download all the plans you can.
  6. SouthernSlammed

    What To Short Barrel 1st?

    So, which would you Short Barrel 1st? Why? Of course all three are on the chopping block, but who should go 1st? I'm torn, my thought is AR first, since I could do several different caliber uppers. But that AK would be great too!!! So...
  7. NolansMindset

    "ISSUES" Diamondback DB15 Pistol - Part 1 | New Parts

    A buddy got ahold of me and asked if I would take a look at is 7.5" DB15 pistol. He said it wouldn't feed no matter what he did. So I tore into it and found an issue and for "part 1" ill be getting some replacement parts installed. Stay tuned for Part 2 when we are out at the range.
  8. NolansMindset

    Sopmod Block 1 Clone Build - Part 2 | More Changes!! (VIDEO)

    So I made some more changes to my Sopmod Block 1 clone build. I guess you could almost call this the devolution of my BCM rifle haha..... But all in all im pretty happy with how its turned out so far. Heres a quick video showing the changes. Let me know what you guys think!
  9. NolansMindset

    Range Fun with the Fostech Echo Trigger!! (VIDEO)

    Ok so I just finished up a 10.5" AR pistol build using the Fostech Echo trigger and today Im out at the range checking function of the pistol and also having some fun with the Echo Trigger..... Spoiler alert, the trigger is awesome!!!!
  10. NolansMindset

    Clash of the AR15's | Which one do you prefer?? (VIDEO)

    Ok so one of the best things about an AR15 is how customizable they are. From, caliber to barrel length to old school to latest and greatest. On top of that, no one way is necessarily better than the other. It all comes down to what the user wants/needs or what that particular rifle will be used...
  11. NolansMindset


    So ive decided to put together another rifle and this time im doing things a little different than I normally do. It seems like every time I build an AR it ends up in the same configuration, (16" Barrel, 15" Handguard etc....) So this time I decided to go with a more "simple" build if you...
  12. NolansMindset

    Trinity Force Accessories | Budget or Junk??? (VIDEO)

    Ok so after installing the Trinity Force accessories I went to the range as much as possible to really test them out. Now I didn't drag it behind a truck or drop it off a building, but I took it out and got it hot. Ran multiple mags through it as fast as possible to get the parts hot. Things...
  13. NolansMindset

    BEST DECISION I'VE EVER MADE!!! - Changes To The 10.5" AR Pistol (VIDEO)

    Ok so I recently made some changes to my 10.5" AR Pistol Build. I was pretty happy with how I had it setup until I walked into my LGS and they had a new receiver set sitting in the case! Needless to say, I picked it up and started the transformation. Heres the video of the changes and a...
  14. NolansMindset

    WOW What A Transformation! - Trinity Force AR15 Build!

    So recently I had a company, Trinity Force, send me some AR accessories to try out and do some testing with. Well I finally had a chance to get them all installed on one of my Spikes Tactical rifles and Ive got to say, initial impressions of everything is great! The Fit, finish and looks all...
  15. NolansMindset

    New AR15 Build - Pt.1 | Trinity Force Accessories (Video)

    So im getting ready to start a new AR15 build thanks to the guys at Trinity Force Corp. They sent me some various AR parts to use on a build so here soon we will get things kicked off. Ive never used anything from Trinity Force so im definitely looking forward to testing them out and seeing how...
  16. LeatherHeadShooter

    11.5" Barrel Suggestions

    Working on a build and I'm starting out with a build parts list, because I'm organized like that. I'm building a 5.56 SBR project, a Spike's/Strike Industries idea I've had in my head for a while. I've got almost all of my parts found and sourced out but I'm having a hard time deciding on a...
  17. dougiemac

    Radical Firearms AR-15 Pistol Part 4: Philosophy and Covert Carry

    My friend Jordan Winkler (FX Hummel) did a good video on the AR-15 pistol philosophy and gave SoutheastTraders some love! Go give his channel some love and Subscribe!
  18. RangerTim

    The ar15 pistol...why?

    Chris Timmerman submitted a new blog post The AR15 Pistol...Why? Continue reading the Original Blog Post.
  19. RangerTim

    [Article] - The AR15 Pistol...Why?

    View full article
  20. dougiemac

    Great Behind the Scenes Video of Spikes Tactical

    Great Behind the Scenes Video of Spikes Tactical