357 magnum

Preparedness Depot in Acworth, GA
  1. NolansMindset

    Wood Grips Too Brutal?? - Lets Find Out | S&W "686" 357 Magnum (VIDEO)

    Before buying some new wood grips for my S&W 686 I did a lot of research online trying to decide which ones I wanted. While doing my search I noticed a lot of people were staying away from wood grips because they didn't want the recoil to be too brutal with the hard wood grips. So today we are...
  2. NolansMindset

    AWESOME NEW GRIPS!! - Hogue "Pau Ferro" Wood Grips | S&W 686 4"

    So I recently installed a Hogue Monogrip on my S&W 629 44 Mag and absolutely loved it, I loved it so much I bought one for my 686 4". Well after getting them installed unfortunately I didnt like them at all. They had a different "feel" than the ones on my 629. So my solution, I picked up some...
  3. NolansMindset

    REVOLVERS SUCK - Part 2 | There's Still Hope!!

    Ok so most of you might already know, I recently got into the revolver game and have been struggling a little with the new "platform". They are a completely different animal that the semi autos that i'm used to and I know its going to take some time. I recently went back to the range with some...
  4. T

    Heating Up....

    Does anyone else have a problem with the cylinders of their revolvers becoming unbearably hot during extended/rapid fire? I shoot a S&W m10 (1988) and m15 (1977) in USPSA, so the max rounds is roughly 32 in a single stage. The last match I shot, the cylinder got so hot I nearly dropped the...
  5. NolansMindset

    Removing Powder Burns/Burn Rings from Stainless Revolver (Video)

    So theres nothing worse than having a nice Stainless Steel revolver with those ugly powder burns on the front of the cylinder. Ive tried a few different methods including the Lead Removing rags with little to no luck. But here is a video showing one product that works perfectly with little...
  6. NolansMindset

    GROUP THERAPY | S&W "686" 357 Magnum (Video)

    So this past weekend I took out the somewhat newly acquired Smith and Wesson 686 out to the range to shoot some groups. Ive had this out a few times now but never focused on groups. One thing I can say is that I need some practice. For the past several years ive shot nothing but semi autos and...
  7. NolansMindset

    S&W "686" 357 Magnum | Trying Out Some Wood Grips! (Video)

    I recently took the S&W 686 out to the range to try out some wood grips a buddy gave to me. The rubber grips that came with it work really well but there is something about a nice set of wood grips that really sets a revolver off. Now Ive heard that wood grips will really increase the felt...
  8. NolansMindset

    Smith and Wesson 686 357 Magnum 4" (Video)

    So for the longest time I have believed what I read on the internet.... I know, scary right! You always here that you HAVE to have a semi-auto and revolvers are outdated an useless. Now I know the higher capacity semi autos definitely have advantages over a revolver, but I think a nice revolver...