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American Revival Apparel Company
  1. bedouin

    Public toilets?

    Oh... don't mind me, I just pop up from time to time.
  2. bedouin

    Public toilets?

    Oh mercy! That is one musty tang, girlfriend.
  3. bedouin

    Public toilets?

    Oh sweetie, nobody likes a raggedy bush. Good on you for trimming that mess.
  4. bedouin

    Mid length or Carbine length

    Contrary to popular belief, I've always found mid-length to be the perfect balance of comfort and radius.
  5. bedouin

    School me on 1911's

    No truer words have ever been spoken girlfriend. I'm fucking FABULOUS!!!
  6. bedouin

    Public toilets?

    Yes you are sweetie, Yes You ARE!!
  7. bedouin

    Public toilets?

    @Hoss's Mom and @Hoss have both sent me naked selfies; I'd take @AirOpsMgr over either of them in a heartbeat
  8. bedouin

    Public toilets?

    I do, I do, I do.
  9. bedouin

    Public toilets?

    Yeah, I knew you'd eventually show up. Good people here. I'd even go so far as to say that @karlvv has the brightest teethe I've ever come across.
  10. bedouin

    Public toilets?

    @dougiemac was my first...."job"
  11. bedouin

    Happy birthday hoss!

  12. bedouin


    He could scale my wall and invade my protected areas any time he wants to.
  13. bedouin

    4th of July plans????

    I have 2 open slots available if anyone is interested.
  14. bedouin

    This movie looks like a tear jerker

    Shhh, it ruins it when you talk.
  15. bedouin

    "I'll take it"

    This account is the only one on OON that is in "Discouraged" category. Playing around on it you can see a hue speed difference but no errors yet.