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Faktory 47
  1. Mr. Goodbar

    GA Federal 22 and 9mm

    Federal automatch 22 lr 6 boxes for $200 Federal 115 gr 9mm brass $200 Buy both $350 Meet at cabela's in acworth preferably
  2. Mr. Goodbar

    Mags per pistol

    How many mags per pistol do you keep on average? Or does it depend on the pistols use?
  3. Mr. Goodbar

    Glock Parts Help

    Just thought i'd throw this out there, I have a few easy parts to put on my glock but am one handed at the moment. If anyone wants to help me out, it would be greatly appreciated. As long as it isn't too far i'll come to you or you to me or meet up somewhere. It's just 3 plus 1 extensions...
  4. Mr. Goodbar

    Fwd assist or not on AR?

    Started thinking about doing a slick side upper but just wanted to get people's thoughts on having or not having the fwd assist?
  5. Mr. Goodbar

    GWL Question

    Does your Driving license address have to match the GWL license? Does that not allow you to purchase a firearm from a dealer/gun store?
  6. Mr. Goodbar

    Know anything about kias?

    For some reason I like the kia Optima's, any personal experience? I have a truck now but my new job has given me a company truck and I want to get out more and take more mini vacations so that's my reason.