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Preparedness Depot in Acworth, GA
  1. DMR

    GA Dining room table

    I have a nice dining room set for sale 6 chairs included. It expands as well $100 picked up in Snellville, GA
  2. DMR

    GA 308 Ammo and AR10 PMAGS

    About 220rds of 308. Mix between brass and TulAmmo combined 3x 20rd pmags for DPMS style AR10 Atlanta or Snellville area. $120 Cash for all
  3. DMR

    Cheap Cerakoting

    Looking to refinish my cz75 compact for cheap. Probably a single color. I'm in Gwinnett.
  4. DMR

    "Battleworn" finish.

    Just did one myself. For free, and 15min worth my time. Whatchu think?
  5. DMR

    Picked up an HK93

    Almost.... :p Got a Vector V93 with pretty much all HK parts including the lower, and bipod and internals. Loving it so far.
  6. DMR

    Smith & Wesson 66-2

    Hey anyone know much about these revolvers? I have a guy that wants to trade his. Here is a picture of it. He says it's unfired. But I have no idea on how much they are. Are they good shooters? Can they handle modern defensive loads? @JHW
  7. DMR

    Robar NP3 coating?

    Who does it locally? Anyone do it? Thoughts?
  8. DMR

    Let's say you picked up an original German STG44

    A guy just gave it to you as a gift, and you didn't know what it was. How do you proceed?
  9. DMR

    S&W M&P9 2.0 not doing so good...

  10. DMR

    Desert Tech MDR update

    From another forum: "Desert Tech is owned by a polygamist FLDS sect, the Kingston family. They marry their 13 year old cousins and when inbreeding results in disabled children they dump them at state ran orphanages. There was an article not long ago about how Kingston is the most common surname...
  11. DMR

    CZ Fan here....switched to Glock 19

    I love my CZ's, but carrying a P01 and Rami gets tiresome after a while. I have a PPS M2 that I like very much, but would prefer a double stack in a compact package. So far I haven't found anything that has a low bore axis, and not have bulky slidestops/takedown levers, while holding 15 or more...
  12. DMR

    Daniel Defense reorganizing company.

    Daniel Defense Armam -- NOTICE OF INTENT TO VOLUNTARILY DISSOLVE A CORPORATION Notice is given that a notice of intent to dissolve DANIEL DEFENSE ARMAMENT, INC., a Georgia corporation with its registered office, 101 Warfighter Way, Black Creek, GA 31308, has been delivered to the Secretary of...
  13. DMR

    Colt Revolvers.... coming back!

    Real. Not a joke. MSRP of $699.
  14. DMR

    Anyone know anything about this VEPR?

    I recently came across a ZDF Import VEPR in 5.45. Can anyone shed some light of what I'm looking at here? Or value?
  15. DMR

    Any "last minute" pre-election purchases?

    Just bought an 2016 CZ EVO 3 S1 in FDE. Not sure why, but I did. How about you guys?
  16. DMR

    Educate me on the Colt M4 Carbine

    My local gun shop has Colt M4 Carbine (on the rollmark) Sporter for $699. No MAGPUL furnite. Standard fare. The barrel is marked C 1/7 Nato 5.56 or something What's the difference between these and 6920LE?
  17. DMR

    Ruger is releasing a new polymer handgun Looks like a cross between an SR9 and VP9.
  18. DMR

    New Walther PPS M2 is coming Not just a PPS with PPQ M2 type mag release, but an actual Model II, with PPQish grip, and slide design. Still like the original, myself.
  19. DMR

    VP9 Torture Test: Fail

    I dumped my VP9 last month, but not because of this. Because I think the Walther P99 and my PPQ has superior triggers and reset. Glock fanboys are rejoicing everywhere now... LoL
  20. DMR

    What's the best bang for the buck rifle in 308?

    Looking for a bolt action. Reliable. Accurate. Upgradable platform. Not a Remington. Savage?