Recent content by rOmiLaYu

Faktory 47
  1. rOmiLaYu

    NFA and gun trust questions regarding moving/change of address.

    There is no requirement to attach your trust to a physical address. Moving is irrelevant to the legality of your trust provided that all other NFA laws are followed.
  2. rOmiLaYu

    Can we talk about KGmade's new 9mm integral?

    I'd be interested in a complete upper. I'll follow the thread to see if/when pricing becomes available.
  3. rOmiLaYu

    Can we talk about KGmade's new 9mm integral?

    To clarify, because I have the dumb, the $1995 price point would be for a complete rifle. There is currently no pricing for a complete upper by itself. Yes?
  4. rOmiLaYu

    More "jacketed" barrels, now with lifetime warranties

    "Accuracy" and "Mosin" in the same post. :laugh:
  5. rOmiLaYu

    The first look at something new

    Integrally suppressed 9mm AR uppers?
  6. rOmiLaYu

    The first look at something new

    That's my guess as well.
  7. rOmiLaYu

    Clamp on Suppressor sights

    Yeah but when the can shoots loose, your sights are off. Neat idea, but I'd rather have high sights on the firearm itself.
  8. rOmiLaYu

    Recipe Anova Cooking Device Method

    To give it a sear or char. The method is called "sous vide." French for "in a vacuum." Simply put, it's "low and slow" on steriods. The water is warmed to just north of 100 degrees...usually max is 140. The idea is an even, slow cooking of the meat to seal in all the flavor and fluids. Then, if...
  9. rOmiLaYu

    PAP M92 SBR????

  10. rOmiLaYu

    PAP M92 SBR????

    Unfortunately, no. Bryan and I groped our way through mine and then he did a few more to pay off the tools he had to buy and that was the depth and breadth of my AK work. I know that Ray at Moss Pawn is always applauded but I have no first hand experience with him. Best of luck to you.
  11. rOmiLaYu

    PAP M92 SBR????

  12. rOmiLaYu

    PAP M92 SBR????

    Basically, to properly SBR an M92 with a folding stock, plan on spending double what you spent on the pistol. installing the side folding stock requires removing the original trunnion and installing a new one, along with removal of the front trunnion to install the stock catch latch. You can...
  13. rOmiLaYu

    PAP M92 SBR????

  14. rOmiLaYu

    Any regular SET members do NFA engraving?

    Don't know. I hope not.
  15. rOmiLaYu

    Any regular SET members do NFA engraving?

    As long as it's not 300BLK ammo, that is.