Recent content by medium187mph

Preparedness Depot in Acworth, GA
  1. medium187mph


    Speer Gold Dots do an excellent job on hogs. PSA had them in many grains for $10 a box a little while back.
  2. medium187mph

    AR pistol

    I saw the shockwave blade on sale for $29 at Primary Arms... Hours after mine shipped.
  3. medium187mph

    AR pistol
  4. medium187mph

    AR pistol

    Here's my 10.5" 300blk trunk gun...
  5. medium187mph

    So, has anyone ordered a gun online when drunk?

    I used to send some ditsy blonds to flash the gas n stop manager for suds... Way back in... Well whatever.
  6. medium187mph

    So, has anyone ordered a gun online when drunk?

    When I was 19.....
  7. medium187mph

    How much light is too much?

    Ive had a few different wml and to be completely honest... More light the better.
  8. medium187mph

    Poly or Alum?

    Lmao @cmshoot knows what's good. I have a poly lower for the wife (extremely LW) but I'd rather invest in a better long term set up for her at this time.
  9. medium187mph

    Poly or Alum?

    10-4 The judge has spoken End thread now!
  10. medium187mph

    Poly or Alum?

    ^ So it's not the same as a Xlock pistol poly?
  11. medium187mph

    Poly or Alum?

    General question poly or aluminum lower for the wimpy .556? I've always wondered if it really matters.
  12. medium187mph

    Dallas shooter purchased AK through FB

    I met a guy who was banned before.... Should have been the first red flag
  13. medium187mph

    Break in

    Shoot the shit out of it bro!
  14. medium187mph

    Dallas shooter purchased AK through FB

    I thought fb already banned...