Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

Faktory 47


Meme boojahideen
Kalash Klub
Oct 31, 2019
The word "radical" has several long standing and accepted meanings dependent on context, so try not to be too etymologically myopic.
I get the overall gist of what you're trying to convey though - progressivists are masters of word games and warping language. Kind of crazy to think about how they apply political principles to language and word usage.
Yes, I’m not trying to pigeon hole the word, it’s just Amazing how certain words are warped to benefit a political agenda without any context of the verbiage. Same thing with “Nazi”, modern socialist use that phrase against anyone right of center without even understanding it stands for “German National Socialist/workers party”. I’m by no means a linguist, but some of this stuff is high school level education knowledge”

Red Squirrel 556

Street Justice Department
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Kalash Klub
Sep 24, 2020
What the hell? Movie production closing?

Nah things got slow for a minute, and the general foreman has had it out for me for a while now. I stopped doing things like kissing his ass and asking how his golf game was. It's really an LA(local 44) thing vs everyone else(local 479 ATL). He let his emotions and ego impede on the productivity of the show, but he's been doing that for years.

Honestly the guy is a narcissistic asshole and he did me a favor. I was looking for a way to distance myself from this coordinator without actually quitting, and he provided me with the perfect opportunity.

I start with the grip department on Monday. I'll probably switch back and forth between them and SPFX.

Dude hasn't seen the last of me by far lol.


Kalash Klub
Lifetime Supporter
Mar 7, 2018
Newnan, GA
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