I'll probably go on the hunt for one when I get back homeDo ittttttt. They are awesome, insanely reliable and eats everything I throw in it.
I'll probably go on the hunt for one when I get back homeDo ittttttt. They are awesome, insanely reliable and eats everything I throw in it.
40 cal?32 auto?
I'm sayin...$549 is cheap!
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AKV also don't have a realistic push button folding stockAKV don’t crack doe
No clue what prices are at the moment. July 2018 I got blue label on the CZ and it was 700 OTDI'll probably go on the hunt for one when I get back home
Your hard on that tailgate
That would make it an SBR. I’m calling the atfAKV also don't have a realistic push button folding stock
I need more scorpion evo mags
Well she made the statement some months ago that if I find the lost ring that I could buy any gun I wanted. So I found the ring, got it fixed and bought the gun.You want to keep the Bren 2 out of her reach for a while to insure there are no bullets to dodge.
When I looked around Thanksgiving they were around $950 I thinkNo clue what prices are at the moment. July 2018 I got blue label on the CZ and it was 700 OTD
WAIT, check this out firstThat would make it an SBR. I’m calling the atf
18 below in parents place in Western Siberia, 34 below with windchill.Global warming my brown eye. 23 fricken degrees. It’s colder than a well digger’s ass in Siberia. Gonna have to move to the Gunshine state
Let this be a reminder if things ever get back to normal. Stack it deep ,so when this crap happens you don’t even care
I’ve got CZ, CZ windows, Magpul, PSA, and manticore. I did. It know ets makes them nowETS and Magpul make them now.
@Knight and both are very reliable. Ets has the 40 rounders though.ETS and Magpul make them now.
And I think the AKV in July of this year after tax and ship was 800ish?When I looked around Thanksgiving they were around $950 I think
Same here, ever since @Jake posted his up, I've been wanting one