Ok. Found this at the local store, gonna see if it’s any good. I’m in one of those rare ‘beer’ moods. View attachment 80678
Yea.... it’s not good.
Ok. Found this at the local store, gonna see if it’s any good. I’m in one of those rare ‘beer’ moods. View attachment 80678
Dammit man, you must really be kicking the hornets nest to get Ken fired up.
He’s one of the few mods over there that I never had a problem with.
I'm happy to hear this about your agency. I've heard the same from members of others here in GA. No one knows exactly how this would play out. Their are some glimpses in what's been going on in the past months, however.First.....I don't have any "comrades"
Second....No, I'm not a gun confiscator, or any other Constitutional stomping thing you can imagine. I actually don't know a single cop who is...but what does that matter to the minority of gun owners with an oppressed imagination. Most people, including gun owners don't have a fucking clue what the Constitution protects because they have never read it. People believe what they want, regardless of the reality that surrounds them.
Third....The US is probably full of non compliant 922r AKs, unregistered SBRs and SBSs and there ain't NOBODY "complying and enforcing" on any those laws on a day to day, door to door basis. Hell I once witnessed a ATF agent throw a sawed of single barrel shotgun in the destroy pile after it was taken off a murder/drug dealer suspect because the the firing pin channel was rusted and the firing pin was stuck fully extended on a closed breech and it wouldn't shotgun open.....He said, and I quote "Fuck it, it ant worth the trouble, don't work anyway." California offered an amnesty day a few years ago for everybody that possessed those evil banned "high capacity magazines" they knew were kept behind closed doors all over the state.....nobody turned in a single mag. Even the half assed communist Cali government didn't do a damn thing about that "Hell No" response. No enforcement, none. You are way more likely in your neighborhood, or anywhere else in this state for that matter, to have to prove you can own a SBR/SBS or carry a gun in public to a private gun store with a range or the aforementioned citizen gun owner with a suppressed imagination than a cop or any other government entity.
Finally, if something like that happened here what are you going to do about it? And please don't say kill the cops that come for my guns cause that ain't going to happen. I can tell you a while back when VA was threatening the citizenry there with their unconstitutional gun laws the command staff at my agency put the word out at annual training that we would NEVER enforce any unconstitutional law. The Chief stood up and reminded everyone we take an oath the the Constitution of the country and state, NOT to any man or woman's idea of what is right or wrong. The rank and file stood and applauded. We know what we are going to do and more importantly what we are not going to do.
I have an excellent investment that only requires minimal effort as well. The details arent important, just send me $8500.Yeah I don't get it. I'll lend you 9k if I get 40k back though.
I'm happy to hear this about your agency. I've heard the same from members of others here in GA. No one knows exactly how this would play out. Their are some glimpses in what's been going on in the past months, however.
1) Will politicians try to use any excuse to overreach & expand their power?
Some will, yes. The governor of NJ admitted on TV he didn't even consider the Bill of Rights when coming up with his shutdown orders. Others won't. The governors of FL & SD left shutdown up to local authorities for the most part, limited state-wide orders & are already "reopening". And they did this despite immense public pressure & ridicule from the media.
2) Will LEOs enforce edicts that violate the constitution?
Some will, yes. We've seen numerous incidents reported in the news the last few months, like the department in Pennsylvania that arrested a young woman for going for a drive alone in her car during the "lockdown".. But we've also seen LE agencies across the country publicly refuse to do so, from the department in Maine that said, "This is America. We don't stop citizens & ask to see their papers to determine if they can go for a drive" to numerous Sheriffs publicly stating they will not be enforcing these "temporary public health edicts" & telling their mayors, governors, etc. to send out Health Dept. employees if they want that done.
3) Will the American people resist?
Some will. We've seen people protesting even if they get fined or arrested. Fortunately, IMO, nothing has turned violent yet. But we've also seen lots more Americans than I'm comfortable with ratting out their neighbors for being in the park or having more than the usual number of cars in their driveway.
So if a Canadian type "gun ban" was implemented in this country, would LEOs enforce it, even by going door-to-door? I'm absolutely certain some would. I'm also certain some would not. Would some Americans resist, even to the level of gunfights? I'm absolutely certain some would. I'm also certain some would not. A lot of longtime gun owners are fine with restrictions on "assault weapons" because they don't care to own one. What none of us can know, is the number of people who would do what. This goes on up the line when press idiots talk about calling out the National Guard or politicians claim "Your AR-15 won't do any good against the government's tanks". We don't know how many of those troops would follow orders & how many would refuse & how many would actively resist.
I guess my main point is we can't know what someone will do based on whether they're an LEO or a gun owner or a veteran or active duty now. I personally pray we never get to the point we have to find out. I'll be quiet now.
well said, and I agree. I'm genuinely just curious how LE view this stuff... obviously I have my own opinions and thoughts on the matter...
but @CQB27 seems tolerable for a cop lol lol lol
Stang daddy. I save all the sexy stuff for you and fudd dadd-TWhat, no kissy face???
Fixin to get the heck out of Dodge...gonna get some Indian food (restaurants opening up today!) - tomorrow early flight to the cesspool of the free world. Then I drive a 16 foot moving van back across the country, following my Marine and his wife. Ought to be a road trip and a half. Gonna feel naked being un-armed for three days.
I hope y'all have a good one!
Item Gone: FS/FT Zastava Pap M85 AK pistol
Item Name: FS/FT Zastava Pap M85 AK pistol Location: Canton Zip Code: 30114 Item is for: Sale or Trade Sale Price: $625 Trade Value or Items Looking For: $650. Glocks,.357 magnum revolvers,other revolvers,surprise me. Will also trade towards a decent size gun safe. Caliber: 5.56/.223...www.theoutdoorstrader.com
Item Gone: FS/FT Zastava Pap M85 AK pistol
Item Name: FS/FT Zastava Pap M85 AK pistol Location: Canton Zip Code: 30114 Item is for: Sale or Trade Sale Price: $625 Trade Value or Items Looking For: $650. Glocks,.357 magnum revolvers,other revolvers,surprise me. Will also trade towards a decent size gun safe. Caliber: 5.56/.223...theoutdoorstrader.com
I like these and want one, hell i like all ak pistols
Yeah, mine either, lol.Not in this house!
*Gotta remember to go hide my dogs*
They run more than 100m
I hate you.I don't wear glasses