Unless you have a really big backpack, no matter how short the barrel, simply not going to conceal in backpack. Take the length of the buffer tube, the length of the lower and upper without the barrel and you will see that you are already behind the eightball. Look at ballistic performance of round you intend to shoot and go with barrel that is long enough to stabilize the round. Since it looks like you are building a .223/5.56 chambered rifle you may not want to go much shorter than 7.5" barrel (never research just guessing) and if you intend to shoot suppressed there are many options out there to achieve both.I recently read a surprisingly well written article about the usefulness of AR pistols (can't remember which website).
In the past I hadn't been a fan of the idea, especially since you couldn't set the thing to your shoulder, and I thought the ballistics of a .223 from a barrel shorter than 16" would be stupid.
But this article changed my mind. The writer talked about the merits of having a rifle-caliber firearm in a smaller package that could be concealed legally in a backpack, and also brought the cogent point that in many states it is illegal to travel with a loaded rifle. A loaded pistol, however, falls under the reciprocity of our CCW permits.
I tell you all of that to get to my question: What barrel length do you think is the shortest that will still give me decent terminal ballistics?
I'd like to go as short as possible. I looked at 10" barrels and decided with the 8" upper attached it would never fit into a backpack, especially with any muzzle device attached. If I ever decided to put a suppressor on it, it would take too long to assemble if I needed it in a hurry.
So I'm trying to find that sweet spot between concealabilty and velocity.
Also appreciate any thoughts on lightweight options, muzzle devices, sights, buffer tube covers, etc.
This is why many folks stuck with pistol calibers when building an SBR. Another option would be the CZ Evo Scorpion: